1. eDBI is born, feedback wanted

eDBI is born. Please see eDBI for more information. A quick run down here, though:

  1. Allows a common API to many different database servers/clients.
  2. Database drivers are loaded dynamically, allowing your application to work with database drivers you've never even seen before.
  3. Database drivers are easily written and do not require any changes to eDBI or your application to make them work.
  4. eDBI works with Euphoria types, for instance, when you perform a query that contains a varchar, integer, decimal and a date/time value, you will not get back all "string" sequences. You will get back a sequence, an integer, an atom and a datetime (from std/datetime.e). Further, when doing queries, you can use these types directly as well.

An example:

-- Example edbi use 
include std/datetime.e 
include edbi/edbi.e 
sequence data = { 
    { "Ronald Mc'Donald", 29382, datetime:subtract(datetime:new(), 32, YEARS) }, 
    { "Super Man", 55555, datetime:new(1944, 5, 18) }, 
    { "Wonder Woman", 21232, datetime:new(1972, 9, 29) } 
edbi:db_handle dbh = edbi:open("sqlite3://example.db") 
edbi:execute("DROP TABLE people") 
edbi:execute("CREATE TABLE people (name VARCHAR(30), zip INTEGER, dob datetime)") 
for i = 1 to length(data) do 
    edbi:execute("INSERT INTO people VALUES (%s, %d, %D)", data[i]) 
end for 
edbi:dbr_handle dbr = edbi:query("SELECT * FROM people") 
object person 
while sequence(person) with entry do 
    printf(1, "Name=%s, Zip=%d, Dob=%s\n", {  
        person[1], person[2], datetime:format(person[3], "%m/%d/%Y") }) 
    person = edbi:next(dbr) 
end while 

Now, to make that work, on say, MySQL, just change the opening line to:

edbi:db_handle dbh = edbi:open("mysql://localhost?dbname=people") 

The same is true for any database driver that may exist.

What database drivers exist right now? Just the reference implementation, SQLite3. I am looking for help on other ones. The next highest priority is MySQL then PgSQL.

If you are interested in joining in on this project, please let me know.


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2. Re: eDBI is born, feedback wanted

The "edbi.e," his new work, will greatly facilitate the use of DBs.

You use "SNV" for download, however this is a Linux tool. But I also see that you use a directory "c: \ projects>", signaling that is using the "CVN" in the Windows environment.

How is this possible?

There is a version "SVN" for Windows? Where found it? eDBI is only for use in 4.o ?

Sergio Gelli

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3. Re: eDBI is born, feedback wanted

sergelli said...

The "edbi.e," his new work, will greatly facilitate the use of DBs.

You use "SNV" for download, however this is a Linux tool. But I also see that you use a directory "c: \ projects>", signaling that is using the "CVN" in the Windows environment.

How is this possible?

There is a version "SVN" for Windows? Where found it? eDBI is only for use in 4.o ?

Yes, SVN exists for Windows and most platforms. If you are a command line user, Setup-Subversion-1.6.5.msi will do the trick. If you like GUI clients, then you may want TortoiseSVN.

Right now, while eDBI is in heavy development, SVN will be the only real way to download it. Once it get's to a stable state, then I will start producing binaries.

Now, right now, if you wish to play with it, all you need is really 2 files: edbi.e and edbi_sqlite3.dll. That will enable you to start playing. You may also want to look at the example: example.ex to get some simple ideas. You can run eudoc -o edbi.txt edbi.ex to get full docs on it.

Oh, about 4.0. Yes, eDBI is for 4.0 only. 4.0 adds too many nice features to try and program for 4.0 and 3.1. Nothing I produce will be backward compatible with 3.1, it's just not worth it.


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4. Re: eDBI is born, feedback wanted

jeremy said...

Now, right now, if you wish to play with it, all you need is really 2 files: edbi.e and edbi_sqlite3.dll. That will enable you to start playing. You may also want to look at the example: example.ex to get some simple ideas. You can run eudoc -o edbi.txt edbi.ex to get full docs on it.

I get a 404 on example.ex


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5. Re: eDBI is born, feedback wanted

useless said...
jeremy said...

Now, right now, if you wish to play with it, all you need is really 2 files: edbi.e and edbi_sqlite3.dll. That will enable you to start playing. You may also want to look at the example: example.ex to get some simple ideas. You can run eudoc -o edbi.txt edbi.ex to get full docs on it.

I get a 404 on example.ex

Those are the URIs to the files in svn. They won't resolve using http. You need to use an svn client to either check them out or export.


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6. Re: eDBI is born, feedback wanted

useless said...

I get a 404 on example.ex

Opps! I gave the wrong path. I corrected my original post citing this file (the other ones are correct). For completeness sake, the corrected path is example.ex.


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7. Re: eDBI is born, feedback wanted

mattlewis said...

Those are the URIs to the files in svn. They won't resolve using http. You need to use an svn client to either check them out or export.

Matt, SVN will resolve just fine from a web browser. It's just a standard http/https request with GET/PUT actions.


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8. Re: eDBI is born, feedback wanted

eDBI now has a MySQL driver committed and working. For an examples sake, the MySQL driver is written in Euphoria. So, the SQLite driver is pure C and the MySQL driver is pure Euphoria.

Now it should be easy for anyone to write a driver.


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9. Re: eDBI is born, feedback wanted

jeremy said...

Matt, SVN will resolve just fine from a web browser. It's just a standard http/https request with GET/PUT actions.


The address in the Open Wiki Euphoria
"http://jeremy.cowgar.com/svn/edbi/trunk edbi"
intended to be used with the "SVN"
Nor ok, This is the answer in "SVN"
non-existent in that revision


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10. Re: eDBI is born, feedback wanted

sergelli said...

The address in the Open Wiki Euphoria
"http://jeremy.cowgar.com/svn/edbi/trunk edbi"
intended to be used with the "SVN"
Nor ok, This is the answer in "SVN"
non-existent in that revision

The entire URL does not include the trailing edbi. The trailing edbi was to tell SVN what directory to check the project out into. If you are using the command line client, you should use:

C:\projects> svn co http://jeremy.cowgar.com/svn/edbi/trunk edbi 

That says checkout http://jeremy.cowgar.com/svn/edbi/trunk into the edbi directory.


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11. Re: eDBI is born, feedback wanted


This is good stuff man! I'm trying it with mysql, and it works great.



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12. Re: eDBI is born, feedback wanted

consultjohan said...

This is good stuff man! I'm trying it with mysql, and it works great.

Great! If you find any bugs or see needed additions let me know. It's still pretty early on in it's development but as you've found out, it is functional smile


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13. Re: eDBI is born, feedback wanted

great work,

poss mem leak in edbi_sqlite3.c ?

object __cdecl edbi_execute(object dbh, object sql) 
   sqlite3 *db = (sqlite3 *) dbh; 
   char *c_sql; 
   int result; 
   c_sql = EMalloc(SEQ_PTR(sql)->length + 1); 
   MakeCString(c_sql, sql, SEQ_PTR(sql)->length + 1); 
   result = sqlite3_exec(db, c_sql, 0, 0, 0); 
   // MISSING EFree(c_sql); 
   return result; 

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14. Re: eDBI is born, feedback wanted

raseu said...

great work,


raseu said...

poss mem leak in edbi_sqlite3.c ?

object __cdecl edbi_execute(object dbh, object sql) 
   sqlite3 *db = (sqlite3 *) dbh; 
   char *c_sql; 
   int result; 
   c_sql = EMalloc(SEQ_PTR(sql)->length + 1); 
   MakeCString(c_sql, sql, SEQ_PTR(sql)->length + 1); 
   result = sqlite3_exec(db, c_sql, 0, 0, 0); 
   // MISSING EFree(c_sql); 
   return result; 

Oh! Thanks for the catch. This is fixed in the latest SVN.


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15. Re: eDBI is born, feedback wanted

jeremy said...

Oh! Thanks for the catch. This is fixed in the latest SVN.

How's that EuSQL plugin coming along? smile

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16. Re: eDBI is born, feedback wanted

euphoric said...
jeremy said...

Oh! Thanks for the catch. This is fixed in the latest SVN.

How's that EuSQL plugin coming along? smile

That's your project! I have not done any work on it since we identified a problem internally to Euphoria. I made the port, things should work, you should give it a try and see if it works now and pick up from there.


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17. Re: eDBI is born, feedback wanted

jeremy said...
euphoric said...

How's that EuSQL plugin coming along? smile

That's your project! I have not done any work on it since we identified a problem internally to Euphoria. I made the port, things should work, you should give it a try and see if it works now and pick up from there.

If you can get example_2.exw working, I'll try to take over from there.

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18. Re: eDBI is born, feedback wanted

euphoric said...
jeremy said...
euphoric said...

How's that EuSQL plugin coming along? smile

That's your project! I have not done any work on it since we identified a problem internally to Euphoria. I made the port, things should work, you should give it a try and see if it works now and pick up from there.

If you can get example_2.exw working, I'll try to take over from there.

I'm not going to be able to get to it for a while yet, so... The code should be there to make it work. I'm sure you can figure it out from here. I forget the state it was in but it was nearly done, IIRC.


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19. Re: eDBI is born, feedback wanted

jeremy said...
euphoric said...

If you can get example_2.exw working, I'll try to take over from there.

The code should be there to make it work. I'm sure you can figure it out from here.

Well, there's a "bad routine number" problem I don't have time to diagnose. Maybe in the near future I can get at it.

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20. Re: eDBI is born, feedback wanted

euphoric said...
jeremy said...
euphoric said...

If you can get example_2.exw working, I'll try to take over from there.

The code should be there to make it work. I'm sure you can figure it out from here.

Well, there's a "bad routine number" problem I don't have time to diagnose. Maybe in the near future I can get at it.

Where? Where can I get the code to test this?

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21. Re: eDBI is born, feedback wanted

jimcbrown said...
euphoric said...
jeremy said...
euphoric said...

If you can get example_2.exw working, I'll try to take over from there.

The code should be there to make it work. I'm sure you can figure it out from here.

Well, there's a "bad routine number" problem I don't have time to diagnose. Maybe in the near future I can get at it.

Where? Where can I get the code to test this?

Hmm, ok, I downloaded http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/eusql/eusql/v0.78.1/eusql-0-78-1-full.zip?use_mirror=voxel but that requires symeval.e which is missing???

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22. Re: eDBI is born, feedback wanted

jimcbrown said...

Hmm, ok, I downloaded http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/eusql/eusql/v0.78.1/eusql-0-78-1-full.zip?use_mirror=voxel but that requires symeval.e which is missing???

I don't remember all the things necessary but there are quite a few things to download to make it work. I know matheval is needed as well. Matt or CK will need to step in and give you all the dependencies.


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23. Re: eDBI is born, feedback wanted

jeremy said...
jimcbrown said...

Hmm, ok, I downloaded http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/eusql/eusql/v0.78.1/eusql-0-78-1-full.zip?use_mirror=voxel but that requires symeval.e which is missing???

I don't remember all the things necessary but there are quite a few things to download to make it work. I know matheval is needed as well. Matt or CK will need to step in and give you all the dependencies.


Ah, ok. I got matheval from http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/matheval/matheval/v1.65/matheval-1-65.zip?use_mirror=voxel but then got the following ex.err:

<0074>:: Errors resolving the following references: 
	eusql.e (7651): db_rename_table 
	db_rename_table( table_name, new_name ) 
Warning ( not_used ): 
	<0320>:: /opt/euphoria/include/machine.e - module variable 'check_calls' is assigned but never used 
--- Defined Words --- 

So I changed that to rename_table( db_name, table_name, new_name ) ... but at this point I'm wondering if eusql ever worked.

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24. Re: eDBI is born, feedback wanted

jimcbrown said...

Ah, ok. I got matheval from [an extremely old repository]... I'm wondering if eusql ever worked.

EuSQL is the database for BBCMF, which is working just fine! smile

Get matheval here (SVN repo). I think you'll also need EusLibs.

Let me know if you run into anything else.

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25. Re: eDBI is born, feedback wanted

jimcbrown said...

Ah, ok. I got matheval from http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/matheval/matheval/v1.65/matheval-1-65.zip?use_mirror=voxel but then got the following ex.err:

<0074>:: Errors resolving the following references: 
	eusql.e (7651): db_rename_table 
	db_rename_table( table_name, new_name ) 

So I changed that to rename_table( db_name, table_name, new_name ) ... but at this point I'm wondering if eusql ever worked.

You've got an old version. Yes, it's the last released version, but it's pretty old. Even so, I can't see why db_rename_table() wouldn't work. It's in both database.e (which you'd be using) and std/eds.e (which the head uses).

I'd recommend using the latest from svn for each:

That code has been updated for version 4 of euphoria. Plus lots of other fixes. The eusql release is now about 50 revisions behind the head of the trunk. Since the main users of eusql have been me and CK, it hasn't been released as often as it probably should have.


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26. Re: eDBI is born, feedback wanted

mattlewis said...
jimcbrown said...

Ah, ok. I got matheval from http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/matheval/matheval/v1.65/matheval-1-65.zip?use_mirror=voxel but then got the following ex.err:

<0074>:: Errors resolving the following references: 
	eusql.e (7651): db_rename_table 
	db_rename_table( table_name, new_name ) 

So I changed that to rename_table( db_name, table_name, new_name ) ... but at this point I'm wondering if eusql ever worked.

You've got an old version. Yes, it's the last released version, but it's pretty old. Even so, I can't see why db_rename_table() wouldn't work. It's in both database.e (which you'd be using) and std/eds.e (which the head uses).

I'd recommend using the latest from svn for each:

That code has been updated for version 4 of euphoria. Plus lots of other fixes. The eusql release is now about 50 revisions behind the head of the trunk. Since the main users of eusql have been me and CK, it hasn't been released as often as it probably should have.


Ah, ok. So I got those two, plus euslibs from https://euslibs.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/euslibs/trunk, all checked out into the edbi/drivers/eusql directory.

Then in the edbi/drivers/eusql directory, I run euc -i ../.. -i ./euslibs -i ./eusql -i ./matheval -dll -lib ../../eu.a edbi_eusql.e

That works, and from there I'm able to run example_2.ex and see the machine exception when calling edbi_open()! :) According to gdb, this happens in de_reference() (of be_runtime.c, line 1591) in eui r2932.

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27. Re: eDBI is born, feedback wanted

The real issue is that I seem to be missing example.db - so the edbi_open() call fails.

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28. Re: eDBI is born, feedback wanted

jimcbrown said...

The real issue is that I seem to be missing example.db - so the edbi_open() call fails.

No, looking at it, the problem is that at the end of main-.c:eu_init(), everything is dereferenced. The translator shouldn't be doing that, because you end up with a bunch of freed data. It's treating the function (which is really all the top level euphoria code) like a normal euphoria function, and cleaning up after itself.

For a short while, the translator did this with normal executables, to clean up after itself at the end. This caused other problems, but for a dll, it obviously shouldn't be doing this, since the data is meant to stay around and be used when the main program calls the dll.


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29. Re: eDBI is born, feedback wanted

mattlewis said...
jimcbrown said...

The real issue is that I seem to be missing example.db - so the edbi_open() call fails.

No, looking at it, the problem is that at the end of main-.c:eu_init(), everything is dereferenced. The translator shouldn't be doing that, because you end up with a bunch of freed data. It's treating the function (which is really all the top level euphoria code) like a normal euphoria function, and cleaning up after itself.

For a short while, the translator did this with normal executables, to clean up after itself at the end. This caused other problems, but for a dll, it obviously shouldn't be doing this, since the data is meant to stay around and be used when the main program calls the dll.


Ok, so for the time being I've modified edbi.e to allow one to specify either a dll or a set of routine ids. So now I can just include edbi_eusql.e directly in example_2.ex, and create a list of routine ids, and it just works.

I discovered a bug in edbi_eusql.e, edbi_next() should take two paramenters (dbr and row) but only took one. After fixing this, I can uncomment the stuff in example_2.ex and it prints out a list of names.

$ eui -i drivers/eusql/matheval -i drivers/eusql/euslibs -i drivers/eusql/eusql example_2.ex 
returning from edbi_open: 2 
Name=Ronald Mc''Donald, Zip=29382, Dob=10/15/1977 
Name=Super Man, Zip=55555, Dob=05/18/1944 
Name=Wonder Woman, Zip=21232, Dob=09/29/1972 

Forked into: Using native euphoria in edbi

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30. Re: eDBI is born, feedback wanted

jimcbrown said...

The real issue is that I seem to be missing example.db - so the edbi_open() call fails.

I forgot to add that I solved this by downloading http://www.usingeuphoria.com/files/words.edb and renaming it to example.db and putting it into the same directory as example_2.ex

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31. Re: eDBI is born, feedback wanted

mattlewis said...

No, looking at it, the problem is that at the end of main-.c:eu_init(), everything is dereferenced.

This is fixed now. See ticket:99.


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32. Re: eDBI is born, feedback wanted

mattlewis said...
mattlewis said...

No, looking at it, the problem is that at the end of main-.c:eu_init(), everything is dereferenced.

This is fixed now. See ticket:99.


Using r2939 to build the dll and run example_2.ex works. I get the same output from using the translated edbi_eusql.so library.

It looks like (other than edbi_next() ) edbi's eusql() plugin works fine.

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33. Re: eDBI is born, feedback wanted

jimcbrown said...

Using r2939 to build the dll and run example_2.ex works. I get the same output from using the translated edbi_eusql.so library.

It looks like (other than edbi_next() ) edbi's eusql() plugin works fine.

Are you going to commit any changes?

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34. Re: eDBI is born, feedback wanted

euphoric said...
jimcbrown said...

Using r2939 to build the dll and run example_2.ex works. I get the same output from using the translated edbi_eusql.so library.

It looks like (other than edbi_next() ) edbi's eusql() plugin works fine.

Are you going to commit any changes?

If I ever had credentials to jeremy's svn server, I've since forgotten them.

So, no, I can't commit anything.

Mind you, the only change required is the oneliner for edbi_next().

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35. Re: eDBI is born, feedback wanted

For what it's worth, I'm trying to figure out how to

- get mysql_num_rows working. (I need to know how big to make my wxgrid)
- catch connection errors - I get a machine-level exception in edbi.e when I supply the wrong database password
- catch SQL errors. It brings down my whole application
- best work with fields of type date/datetime. (I'm not hardcoding field names in my application, so to get a date formated, I'll have to go and get metadata to see if there are date fields, and when populating the grid, I'll have to format the column as date/datetime in the row loop, which is inefficient and too much work)

What do you think?

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36. Re: eDBI is born, feedback wanted

consultjohan said...

- get mysql_num_rows working. (I need to know how big to make my wxgrid)

Hm. I can see where this would be useful but it has to be done in a cross-database manner. Some database servers will not report the number of rows returned by a result until you consume all the available data (MySQL for example, see: mysql_num_rows and mysql_store_result). The downside to this is that the entire result set is then in memory at one point in time, which many will not want.

I'll have to ponder how to best handle this. It would be easy to add a new element to the query to store the number of rows but the idea of reading all available query data first just to get the number of rows isn't too exciting. I wonder if it wouldn't be best (as this is the rare case not the norm) to read all the rows into a sequence in Euphoria then just doing a length() on the resulting sequence? You would wind up with the data in memory twice for a short period of time but you do that anyway when you use mysql_store_result so that mysql_num_rows will work.

consultjohan said...

- catch connection errors - I get a machine-level exception in edbi.e when I supply the wrong database password
- catch SQL errors. It brings down my whole application

Yes... The early stage of eDBI (most products?) means that error handling is not the best. Right now a lot of things are assumed to just work sad. This is obviously not good but at first I wanted to get the API working then go back and do the important stuff getlost

consultjohan said...

- best work with fields of type date/datetime. (I'm not hardcoding field names in my application, so to get a date formated, I'll have to go and get metadata to see if there are date fields, and when populating the grid, I'll have to format the column as date/datetime in the row loop, which is inefficient and too much work)

I would probably just do something like:

edbi:query("SELECT abc, def, DATE_FORMAT(mydate, '%m/%d/%Y') AS mydate FROM xyz") 

That is, if you do not want to do any date processing on it in Euphoria. That will return a string value.


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37. Re: eDBI is born, feedback wanted


Thanks for the response. I managed to work around some issues with a small patch here and there. Thanks also for the advice. For example:

public type dbr_handle(object o) 
    if not atom(o) then return 0 end if 
    if o = 0 then return 1 end if 
    if error_code() then return 1 end if 
    integer l = length(ram_space) 
    object d = 0 
    if l >= o then 
        d = ram_space[o] 
    end if 
    if not sequence(d) then return 0 end if 
    if not length(d) = Q_END then return 0 end if 
    return 1 
end type 



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