eDBI is born, feedback wanted

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eDBI is born. Please see eDBI for more information. A quick run down here, though:

  1. Allows a common API to many different database servers/clients.
  2. Database drivers are loaded dynamically, allowing your application to work with database drivers you've never even seen before.
  3. Database drivers are easily written and do not require any changes to eDBI or your application to make them work.
  4. eDBI works with Euphoria types, for instance, when you perform a query that contains a varchar, integer, decimal and a date/time value, you will not get back all "string" sequences. You will get back a sequence, an integer, an atom and a datetime (from std/datetime.e). Further, when doing queries, you can use these types directly as well.

An example:

-- Example edbi use 
include std/datetime.e 
include edbi/edbi.e 
sequence data = { 
    { "Ronald Mc'Donald", 29382, datetime:subtract(datetime:new(), 32, YEARS) }, 
    { "Super Man", 55555, datetime:new(1944, 5, 18) }, 
    { "Wonder Woman", 21232, datetime:new(1972, 9, 29) } 
edbi:db_handle dbh = edbi:open("sqlite3://example.db") 
edbi:execute("DROP TABLE people") 
edbi:execute("CREATE TABLE people (name VARCHAR(30), zip INTEGER, dob datetime)") 
for i = 1 to length(data) do 
    edbi:execute("INSERT INTO people VALUES (%s, %d, %D)", data[i]) 
end for 
edbi:dbr_handle dbr = edbi:query("SELECT * FROM people") 
object person 
while sequence(person) with entry do 
    printf(1, "Name=%s, Zip=%d, Dob=%s\n", {  
        person[1], person[2], datetime:format(person[3], "%m/%d/%Y") }) 
    person = edbi:next(dbr) 
end while 

Now, to make that work, on say, MySQL, just change the opening line to:

edbi:db_handle dbh = edbi:open("mysql://localhost?dbname=people") 

The same is true for any database driver that may exist.

What database drivers exist right now? Just the reference implementation, SQLite3. I am looking for help on other ones. The next highest priority is MySQL then PgSQL.

If you are interested in joining in on this project, please let me know.


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