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  Type Subject Author Age
forum A Crash Course in Game Design and Production - week 2 part 4 Michael Packard <lgp at EXO.COM> Sep 27, 1996
forum Re: It sure is quiet around here... "Lucien T. Elliott" <lucien at NY.FRONTIERCOMM.NET> Sep 27, 1996
forum Re: It sure is quiet around here... David Gay <moggie at INTERLOG.COM> Sep 27, 1996
forum Feature addition Michael Packard <lgp at EXO.COM> Sep 27, 1996
forum A Crash Course In Game Design and Production - Week 2 Part 3 Michael Packard <lgp at EXO.COM> Sep 27, 1996
forum Re: It sure is quiet around here... Michael Packard <lgp at EXO.COM> Sep 27, 1996
forum Re: File Search & Select PGM Jacques Deschjnes <desja at QUEBECTEL.COM> Sep 26, 1996
forum File Search & Select PGM MR FREDERICK A COLE <facole at PRODIGY.COM> Sep 26, 1996
forum It sure is quiet around here... Michael Packard <lgp at EXO.COM> Sep 26, 1996
forum A Crash Course In Game Design and Production - Week 2 Part 2 Michael Packard <lgp at EXO.COM> Sep 25, 1996
forum A Crash Course In Game Design And Production Week 2 - Part 1 Michael Packard <lgp at EXO.COM> Sep 25, 1996
forum cool demo alert cool demo alert Michael Packard <lgp at EXO.COM> Sep 23, 1996
forum Re: Is it possible to take that ugly border out ? Ricardo Niederberger Cabral <rnc at INFOLINK.COM.BR> Sep 23, 1996
forum password Monty King <kinm at MAILHOST.CYBERHIGHWAY.NET> Sep 21, 1996
forum Re: Password Matt Stancliff <sysop at ATL.MINDSPRING.COM> Sep 21, 1996
forum Re: Password Matt Stancliff <sysop at ATL.MINDSPRING.COM> Sep 21, 1996
forum Re: Password "Lucien T. Elliott" <lucien at NY.FRONTIERCOMM.NET> Sep 21, 1996
forum Re: Password "Lucien T. Elliott" <lucien at NY.FRONTIERCOMM.NET> Sep 21, 1996
forum Password Matt Stancliff <sysop at ATL.MINDSPRING.COM> Sep 21, 1996
forum New Page Monty King <kinm at MAILHOST.CYBERHIGHWAY.NET> Sep 21, 1996


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