Pastey translation code from 25 years ago

In reply to a post on the forum regarding language translation
" And yes, DeepL is amazing, how did we ever do without it? "
i give you .......

I wrote this in the year or two preceding May 2000, for mirc 5.51, for testing the idea with Bablefish website. I wrote several interfaces after this one which performed more functions. This one include file has a minimal interface branch for irc (not Tiggr's complete irc interface), the complete (but not threaded) http client written in mirc. Chances are, it no longer works on any new mirc, and won't interface to many http services, if only because it does not do https or any security handshaking. I tried to do some idiot-proofing, you can see the warning about idioms failing literal translations in this particular include, and attempts to cause Tiggr to flood Bablefish were simply dropped. There is a rudimentary control popup menu. I do not remember if i used my php remote that filtered webpages, i was on win95B and a flakey dialup at the time. Sorry, Jimcbrown , no database. The first line having the "halt" in it stopped this from running the last time Tiggr had loaded it, and there's many lines of code in it for debugging, it wasn't the last block of translating code i had written. I am very surprised i still have this file.

Ok, due to "the march of time", "upgrades", etc, some of the actual real file i wrote 25 years ago uses a code page no longer in vogue. Specifically characters properly representing the language names were not english. Duh. Since this is highly unlikely to run as was anyhow, i have corrupted those six lines to use "modern" english code pages. You'd delete these six lines (plus many more) to use an existing (2024 vs 1999) resource anyhow.


on 1:TEXThalt:*:#:{ 

  ; echo -s errr... $address($nick,5) %ok.reply. [ $+ [ $newmask($address($nick,5),4) ] ]
  ; if ( %ok.reply. [ $+ [ $newmask($address($nick,5),4) ] ] != $null ) { halt }
  if ( %Bablecom.accept != yes ) { goto eoontextxlate }
  if ( %Bablecom.accept. [ $+ [ # ] ] == no ) { goto eoontextxlate }

  set %xlate.ontext $strippunct( $1- )
  if ( $istok(" Tiggr Tiggrbot Gertie Gertiebot bot ", $gettok(%xlate.ontext ,1,32),32) == $true ) {
    if ( $gettok(%xlate.ontext ,2,32) == translate ) || ( $gettok(%xlate.ontext , $2 ,32) == t ) {
      ; tiggr translate e-s habla espanol?
      xlate # $nick !t $gettok($1- , 3- ,32)
  } }

  if ( $1 == !t ) || ( $1 == !translate ) {
    xlate # $nick $1- 

alias xlate {
  ; echo -s in xlate: $1-
  ; recieves:
  ; # $nick $1-
  ; StatusWindow Kat %intext  
  set -u0 %chan $1
  set -u0 %nick $2

  if ( %net != $null ) {
    if ( $address(%nick,4) != $null ) && ( $address(%nick,4) != $address($me,4) ) {
      if ( %flood.xlate. [ $+ [ $address(%nick,5) ] ] != $null ) || ( %flood.xlate.rep. [ $+ [ $address(%nick,5) ] ] != $null ) {
        msg %chan please don't flood!
        if ( %net != $null ) { 
          set -u10 %flood.xlate. [ $+ [ $address(%nick,5) ] ] off
          set -u10 %flood.xlate.rep. [ $+ [ $address(%nick,5) ] ] off
          goto eoxlate
    } } }
  if ( $4 != help ) && ( %flood.xlate. [ $+ [ $address(%nick,5) ] ] == $null ) {
    if ( %net != $null ) { set -u10 %flood.xlate. [ $+ [ $address(%nick,5) ] ] off }
    Babletranslate %chan $4-
  if ( $3 == !translate ) || ( $3 == !t ) {
    if ( $4 == help ) && ( %flood.xlatehelp. [ $+ [ $address(%nick,5) ] ] == $null ) {
      ;  if ( %net != $null ) { set -u60 %flood.xlatehelp. [ $+ [ %chan ] ] off }
      msg %chan I can translate between these languages: French(f) German(g) Italian(i) Portuguese(p) Spanish(s) English(e). As an example, to translate from english to german, type: !t e-g welcome to the room!
      .timer 1 1 msg %chan btw,, I don't do idioms or slang, that would be me guessing you didn't say what you meant, for instance, "hi" is an idiom of english ,, "hi" = "high altitude" in all other languages. To greet someone in other languages, you must use a real greeting,, like "hello" or "welcome".
  } }

alias ReBabletranslate { 
  ; echo -s in RE Babletranslate : $1-
  Babletranslate $1-
alias Babletranslate {
  ; msg #bottest $1-
  ; echo -s in Babletranslate  $1-
  set %2 $2
  if ( - isin %2 ) { set %2 $replace( %2 , - , _ ) }
  if ( %rslant isin %2 ) { set %2 $replace( %2 , %rslant , _ ) }
  if ( %comma isin %2 ) { set %2 $replace( %2 , %comma , _ ) }

  set -u0 %2a $gettok(%2,1,$asc(_))
  set -u0 %2b $gettok(%2,2,$asc(_))
  set -u0 %toknum $findtok(" e sp s po p ge gr g f i d english spanish portugese german french italian ", %2a ,1,32)
  if ( %toknum != $null ) { 
    set %2a $gettok(" en es es pt pt de de de fr it de en es pt de fr it ",%toknum,32)
  set -u0 %toknum $findtok(" e sp s po p ge gr g f i d english spanish portugese german french italian ", %2b ,1,32)
  if ( %toknum != $null ) { 
    set %2b $gettok(" en es es pt pt de de de fr it de en es pt de fr it ",%toknum,32)
  set -u0 %2 %2a $+ _ $+ %2b
  if ( $istok(" en_fr en_de en_it en_pt en_es fr_en de_en it_en es_en pt_en ", %2 ,32) == $true ) { 
    ; echo -s valid language mix: %2
    set %bable.language &lp= $+ %2 $+ &Submit=Translate
    set %Bable.ip
    set -u0 %Bable.file.despaced $3-
    echo -s Bable.file.despaced1= %Bable.file.despaced
    if ( %space isin %Bable.file.despaced ) {
      set -u0 %Bable.file.despaced $gettok(%Bable.file.despaced,1,32) $+ $chr(37) $+ 2 $+ 0 $+ $gettok(%Bable.file.despaced,2-,32)
      goto loopspacechars
    echo -s Bable.file.despaced2= %Bable.file.despaced
    set %Bable.file / $+ cgi-bin/translate?doit=done&urltext= $+ %Bable.file.despaced $+ %bable.language
    if ( %Bablecom.accept == yes ) {
      inc %Bable.num 
      set [ $+ [ %Bable.num ] ] $1
      if ( [ $+ [ %Bable.num ] ] != StatusWindow ) {
        echo [ $+ [ %Bable.num ] ] 12,12..12,0 Accessing Babelfish now...
      /sockopen Bable [ $+ [ %Bable.num ] ] %Bable.ip 80 
    set %2
    goto eoBabletranslate
  if ( $istok(" fr de it es pt ", %2a ,32) == $true ) && ( $istok(" fr de it es pt ", %2b ,32) == $true ) { 
    echo -s Bable doesn't do that..... %2
    set %Bable.retry [ $+ [ Bable $+ [ $calc(%Bable.num + 1 ) ] ] ] $1 en_ $+ %2b
    ;  echo -s %Bable.num 
    .timer 1 0 ReBabletranslate $1 %2a $+ _en $3-

on 1:START:{
  ; alias startbable {
  ; /debug on 
  unset %Bable.*
  set %Bablenum 1
  set %Bable.tag.1 *En Francais:*
  set %Bable.tag.2 *Auf Deutsch:*
  set %Bable.tag.3 *In Italiano:*
  set %Bable.tag.4 *Em Portuguces:*
  set %Bable.tag.5 *En Espanol:*
  set %Bable.tag.6 *In English:*
  set %Bable.tag.xlatedwm *
  set %Bable.tag.xlated 
  unset %flood.xlate*
  unset %Bable.retry*
  set %20 % $+ 2 $+ 0

on 1:SOCKOPEN:Bable*: { 
  if ( %Bablecom.accept == yes ) {
    set -u0 %sockname $sockname
    if ( == yes ) { window -ak @ [ $+ [ %sockname ] ] }
    if ( == yes ) {
      echo -s *** $sockname was just opened, Retrieving file %Bable.file from %Bable.ip
    sockwrite %sockname GET %Bable.file HTTP/1.1 $crlf
    sockwrite %sockname Accept: text/html $crlf
    sockwrite %sockname Accept-Language: en-us $crlf
    sockwrite %sockname User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; mIRC5.51; Windows 25; DigExt) $crlf
    sockwrite %sockname Connection: Keep-Alive $crlf
    sockwrite %sockname Host: $ip $crlf
    sockwrite %sockname $crlf
  else { 
    sockclose Bable [ $+ [ $sockname ] ] 
    if ( [ $+ [ $remove($sockname , Bable ) ] ] != StatusWindow ) {
      echo [ $+ [ $remove($sockname , Bable ) ] ] 12,12..12,0 Babelfish access closed.

on 1:SOCKCLOSE:Bable*: { 
  if ( [ $+ [ $remove($sockname , Bable ) ] ] != StatusWindow ) {
    echo [ $+ [ $remove($sockname , Bable ) ] ] 12,12..12,0 Babelfish access closed.
  if ( == yes ) {
    echo -s *** $sockname just closed 
  sockclose Bable [ $+ [ $sockname ] ]
  if ( == yes ) { /window -c @Bable [ $+ [ %sockname ] ] }

on 1:SOCKREAD:Bable*: { 
  set -u0 %bable.startparse
  if ( %Bablecom.accept == yes ) {
    if ($sockerr > 0) { goto eosockread }
    set -u0 %sockname $sockname
    sockread %tempsockreaddata 
    ;read the data coming from the socket 
    if ($sockbr == 0) { goto eosockread }
    if ( %Bable.dumpdata [ $+ [ $sockname ] ] == yes ) {
      ; sockclose Bable [ $+ [ $sockname ] ]
      goto eosockread2
    ; if i've read all the data, stop 
    if ( %tempsockreaddata != $null ) && ( %tempsockreaddata != %space ) { 
      ; ok, filter the crap for the real reply here
      ;  echo -s tempsockreaddata= %tempsockreaddata 
      if ( %bable.startparse == yes ) {
        ; start looking for the translation
        if ( %Bable.tag.xlatedwm iswm %tempsockreaddata ) { 
          set %Bable.IsHere [ $+ [ $remove($sockname , Bable ) ] ] yes
          echo -s Bable translation here..

        if ( %Bable.IsHere [ $+ [ $remove($sockname , Bable ) ] ] == yes ) {
          if ( ** !iswm %tempsockreaddata ) {
            if ( %Bable.xlated [ $+ [ $sockname ] ] == $null ) { set %Bable.xlated [ $+ [ $sockname ] ] $remove(%tempsockreaddata , %Bable.tag.xlated ) }
            else { 
              if ( $len(%Bable.xlated [ $+ [ $sockname ] ] ) > 500 ) && ( %Bable.retry [ $+ [ $sockname ] ] == $null ) { 
                ; echo -s [ $+ [ $remove($sockname , Bable ) ] ] %Bable.xlated [ $+ [ $sockname ] ]
                msg [ $+ [ $remove($sockname , Bable ) ] ] %Bable.xlated [ $+ [ $sockname ] ]
                set %Bable.xlated [ $+ [ $sockname ] ] $remove(%tempsockreaddata , %Bable.tag.xlated )
                set -u60 %Bable.dumpdata [ $+ [ $sockname ] ] yes
              else { set %Bable.xlated [ $+ [ $sockname ] ] %Bable.xlated [ $+ [ $sockname ] ] %tempsockreaddata }
          else {
            if ( %Bable.retry [ $+ [ $sockname ] ] != $null ) { 
              set %tempnewdata %Bable.retry [ $+ [ $sockname ] ] %Bable.xlated [ $+ [ $sockname ] ]
              .timer 1 0 Babletranslate %tempnewdata
              set -u60 %Bable.dumpdata [ $+ [ $sockname ] ] yes
            else {
              ; echo -a $sockname @ %Bable.retry [ $+ [ $sockname ] ]
              ;  echo -s [ $+ [ $remove($sockname , Bable ) ] ] %Bable.xlated [ $+ [ $sockname ] ] 
              msg [ $+ [ $remove($sockname , Bable ) ] ] %Bable.xlated [ $+ [ $sockname ] ] 
              set -u60 %Bable.dumpdata [ $+ [ $sockname ] ] yes
            set %Bable.retry [ $+ [ $sockname ] ]
            set %bable.startparse
            set %Bable.IsHere [ $+ [ $remove($sockname , Bable ) ] ] 
            .timer 1 2 set %Bable.xlated [ $+ [ $sockname ] ]
            set %bable.startparse
            set %bable.language 
            set %Bable.ip 
            set %Bable.file
            set %tempnewdata

      set %babletagnum 1
      if ( %Bable.tag. [ $+ [ %babletagnum ] ] iswm %tempsockreaddata ) { set -u0 %bable.startparse yes }
      else { if ( %babletagnum < 6 ) { inc -u0 %babletagnum | goto loopbabletags } }

      if ( $window( @ [ $+ [ %sockname ] ] ).name != $null ) { aline -p @ [ $+ [ %sockname ] ] %tempsockreaddata }
    ; if there was stuff received from the socket, then echo it 
    goto nextread 
  else {
    if ( [ $+ [ $remove($sockname , Bable ) ] ] != StatusWindow ) {
      echo [ $+ [ $remove($sockname , Bable ) ] ] 12,12..12,0 Babelfish access closed.
    set [ $+ [ $remove($sockname , Bable ) ] ]
    sockclose Bable [ $+ [ $sockname ] ]

alias clsallBablewin {
  set -u0 %winno 1
  if ( %winno < 500 ) {
    if ( @Bable* iswm $window(%winno) ) { .timer 1 %winno /window -c $window(%winno) }
    inc -u0 %winno
    goto loopBablewins
alias echoBablesettings {
  echo -s --------
  echo -s 12,12..2,0 Bable Settings are: 
  if ( %Bablecom.accept == yes ) { echo -s 12,12..2,0 Bable will accept retrieve commands }
  else { echo -s 12,12..2,0 Bable will NOT accept retrieve commands }
  if ( == yes ) { echo -s 12,12..2,0 Bable windows will auto-close }
  else { echo -s 12,12..2,0 Bable windows will NOT auto-close }
  if ( == yes ) { echo -s 12,12..2,0 Bable windows will show }
  else { echo -s 12,12..2,0 Bable windows will NOT show }
  if ( == yes ) { echo -s 12,12..2,0 Bable will show connects in the mirc status window }
  else { echo -s 12,12..2,0 Bable will show connects in the mirc status window }
  echo -s --------
menu status {
  My Translator:
  .Server On/Off
  ..On:{ set %Bablecom.accept yes  }
  ..Off:{ sockclose Bable* }
  .Show @Windows:
  ..Yes:{ set yes }
  ..No:{ set }
  .Auto-Close @Windows:
  ..Yes:{ set yes }
  ..No:{ set }
  .Close all @Bable Windows:{ clsallBablewin }
  .Echo all Bable settings:{ echoBablesettings }
  .Show Status Connects:
  ..Yes:{ set yes }
  ..No:{ set }

alias bablecomments {

  ## Language markers:
  #  English to French: "En Francais:"
  #  English to German: "Auf Deutsch:"
  #  English to Italian: "In Italiano:"
  #  English to Portuguese: "Em Portugues:"
  #  English to Spanish: "En Espanol:"
  #  ?? to English: "In English:"

  #    the web reply form looks like this:

  ##  ** the language **
## ** the translated text ** ##
