Pastey stables.e
- Posted by _tom
Jun 24, 2020
-- stables.e : sorted tables 4.11
-- jiri babor
-- 8 September 2002
-- sorted tables using binary search
-- single sequence scheme: {val1, ..valN, {key1, ..kN}}
without warning
without type_check
global constant ET = {{}} -- empty table
global function tsort(sequence s)
-- shell sort table s by keys in ascending order
object t1i,t1j,t2i,t2j -- temporary objects
sequence s1,s2
integer gap,j,first,last,n
n = length(s)
s1 = s[n]
s2 = s[1..n-1]
last = n-1
gap = floor(last / 3) + 1
while 1 do
first = gap + 1
for i = first to last do
t1i = s1[i]
t2i = s2[i]
j = i - gap
while 1 do
t1j = s1[j]
t2j = s2[j]
if compare(t1i, t1j) >= 0 then
j += gap
end if
s1[j+gap] = t1j
s2[j+gap] = t2j
if j <= gap then
end if
j -= gap
end while
s1[j] = t1i
s2[j] = t2i
end for
if gap = 1 then
return s2 & {s1}
gap = floor(gap / 3) + 1
end if
end while
end function -- tsort
global function index(sequence table, object key)
-- binary search on a sorted sequence
-- modified Gabriel Boehme's code
-- return *key* index, or zero if key not found
sequence s
integer lo, hi, mid, c
lo = 1
hi = length(table)
s = table[hi]
hi -= 1
while lo <= hi do
mid = floor((lo + hi) / 2)
c = compare(key, s[mid])
if c < 0 then -- key < s[mid]
hi = mid - 1
elsif c > 0 then -- key > s[mid]
lo = mid + 1
else -- key = s[mid]
return mid
end if
end while
return 0
end function
global function fetch(sequence table, object key)
-- return table item with indicated key
return table[index(table,key)]
end function -- fetch
global function set(sequence table, object key, object new_value)
-- replace specified table item with a new value
-- return modified table
table[index(table,key)] = new_value
return table
end function -- set
global function insert(sequence table, object key, object val)
-- insert new entry
sequence s
integer len,n,lo,hi,i,c
n = length(table)
if n = 1 then -- empty table
return {val, {key}}
end if
s = table[n] -- key sequence
hi = n-1
lo = 1
i = 1
if compare(key, s[1]) < 0 then
table[n] = prepend(table[n], key)
table = prepend(table, val)
return table
end if
while lo <= hi do
i = floor((lo + hi) / 2)
c = compare(key, s[i])
if c < 0 then -- key < s[i]
hi = i - 1
else -- key > s[i]
lo = i + 1
end if
end while
len = n-1
s = append(s,0)
s[lo+1..n] = s[lo..len]
s[lo] = key
table[n] = s
table = append(table,0)
table[lo+1..n+1] = table[lo..n]
table[lo] = val
return table
end function
global function merge(sequence table1, sequence table2)
-- merge table1 and table2
integer m,n
m = length(table1)
n = length(table2)
return tsort(table1[1..m-1] & table2[1..n-1] & {table1[m] & table2[n]})
end function
global function remove(sequence table, object key)
-- remove entry with the specified key from the table
integer i,n
i = index(table, key)
if i then
n = length(table)
table[n][i..n-2] = table[n][i+1..n-1]
table[n] = table[n][1..n-2]
table[i..n-1] = table[i+1..n]
end if
return table[1..n-1]
end function -- remove
global function dups(sequence s)
-- return sequence of duplicated keys
sequence d
integer n
d = {}
n = length(s)
s = s[n] -- we are interested in keys only
if n > 2 then
for i=2 to n-1 do
if equal(s[i], s[i-1]) then
d = append(d, s[i])
end if
end for
end if
return d
end function