Re: The Euphoria Sub Commander project
- Posted by ChrisBurch2 <crylex at ?reeuk?> Nov 20, 2007
Hi CK I know how to do it, or how it could be done (slow as I may be!). As part of the project, I'm just seeing if anyone else wants to get involved, while I knit it all together. An experiment in social engineering / team building if you will. There will be other small requests later, eg the hydrophone (distance, tone, etc), and the target ship ai (that will be a fun one). Bear in mind this is meant to be a fun, no strings, few spare cycles project, gives me something to think about while I'm driving between jobs. eg - the periscope view - ships distance - stretching the ship bitmap before blitting it, rotating it for sinking, and so on. One thing I've seen with team requests before, is that the requests have been too broad, too vague, or the instigator has been unwilling, or unable, to put the work in - this isn't the case here - if no-one does, I'll still do it anyway, just for fun! Chris Ps - I tried long and hard to draw a submarine - just didn't look right. If anyone else can do some original artwork, then you can have the splash screen.