Re: Standardized Euphoria
- Posted by Pete Lomax <petelomax at> Dec 28, 2006
On Mon, 25 Dec 2006 11:57:50 -0800, Chris Bensler <guest at> wrote: >It's basically what I'm doing. Yep, looks fine to me. >Yer saying that if foo/xxx.e is already included and I try to include >bar/xxx.e which doesn't exist, it should default to foo/xxx.e like it >did when using previous versions of Eu? Nearly. >I don't agree. I consider the previous behaviour to be broken. When you say "bar/xxx.e", as opposed to just "xxx.e", and there is no such file loaded from a subdirectory named bar, wherever that dir is, then I agree, but imo when you just say "xxx.e" you imply you don't care where it is, and of course the compiler will look in current_dir, EUINC, EUDIR, and possibly a few other places as well for you. What I now (in Positive) have, and let's be honest not exactly difficult to implement, is this:
include test\t05\inc5\t2.e --include t2.e -- OK --include inc5\t2.e -- OK --include c5\t2.e -- Bad --include foo\t2.e -- Bad
Another way to say this is: if your app uses libs from Chris and Dave, which both use Bob's, correct organisation is Bob/Chris/Dave, not Chris/Bob/Dave/Bob. The way things stand, if I try to put bob.e and associated paraphernalia into bob\, then the "include bob.e" statements in chris.e and dave.e will both crash. Regards, Pete