- Posted by Lewis Townsend <keroltarr at HOTMAIL.COM> Oct 08, 1998
Hello Someone asked about AI (I deleted the mails accidentally) and someone else gave a long complicated explanation. So, here's my shot at it: I haven't done much with ai but here is what I know: Your game is the strategy game thingy like C&C, right? 1. Decide who is making the decisions A. The AI comander would make descisions about where to deploy units and what units and buildings to build. B. The unit itself would decide whether to attack another unit in transit and how to get to a destination 2. Gather info A. The comander would know about terrain and positions of enemy units that all of its units could see B. The unit would know only about what it could see and any destination that the commander has given it 3. Identify options A. The commander's options would be like a list of commands 1. give unit destination 2. build unit at specific building 3. build building at specific destination 4. tell unit to wander (good idea?) B. The units options would be 1. move a. up b. down c. left d. right 2. attack (list of possible locations in range) 4. Choose action A. Commander examples of pseudo code 1. alert_pos = find (enemy, radar) if alert_pos then give_unit_dest (alert_pos, pick_close_unit (alert_pos)) end if 2. if curent_cash > possible_units [tank] [cost] then build_unit (possible_units [tank], building) end if B. Unit examples of pseudo code 1. illegal_moves = {} next_step = choose_next_step (pos, dest, illegal_moves) while next_step = obstacle do illegal_moves = illegal_moves & next_step next_step = choose_next_step (pos, dest, illegal_moves) end while 2. unit [alert] = find (enemy, sight) if unit [alert] then if find (unit [alert], unit [wep_range]) enemy = unit [alert] attack (enemy, unit) end if end if hope this helps. As Hawke' (I think) said we'd have to know more about the "rules" of the game to help you more Lewis Townsend ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at