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>Date:         Fri, 7 Aug 1998 10:26:46 -0400
>Reply-To:     Euphoria Programming for MS-DOS
>From:         Nate Brooman <nateb at LOG.ON.CA>
>Subject:      Re: ATTENTION!
>Hmmm... my mum's rubbish at business blink, but my dad is a successful
>accountant and he advises me on stuff, and yes, it's the most boring
>ever smile I think highly of myself of what I can accomplish. I need the
>experts, because I admit, I'm just a moderate Euphoria programmer.
>What I don't understand is how am I insulting you guys? Just because I
>was going to code the tutorial in MoonRock, then Euphoria/Win32,
>mean that's insulting you. I still can't figure you programmers out smile
>been told on ICQ that I'm a "nice" programmer, but he also said that
>programmers didn't give him a chance. Is it something I wonder smile
>Anyways, I just e-mailed the list to say I'm going to start the
>soon. I'm going to give it to mailing list people for free. Oh yeah, if
>anyone wants to advertise on my Euphoria web-site so I can pay for my
>hosting and domain when the time comes, please contact me. I
mean, I
>only have to pay $25 CDN a month for the hosting, and $50 CDN setup
fee, and
>I have the $100 CDN, but I need to keep the domain going. I might setup
> , , or .
>- Nate
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Kevin Sieger <simkin at ZEBRA.NET>
>Date: August 7, 1998 8:38 AM
>Subject: Re: ATTENTION!
>>Nate Brooman wrote:
>>>  Hello. I am going to be writing my tutorial soon, and I was
>>> wondering, could any REAL experts in the Euphoria language help me
>>> with some of the demos and such when I come up to them? I'm going to
>>> write the tutorial in Euphoria/WIN32 using Win32lib. I'm going to
>>> market this, but I'm going to give mailing list guys 1/2 off of the
>>> price of the tutorial! Hell, I might make it free to the mailing
>>> list! - Nate
>>Hmm, I haven't been able to code much lately (getting ready to enter
>>grad school in industrial engineering), but I still "lurk" on this
>>Nate, we know your 12.  No doubt your posts reflect this.  I suggest
>>let your mother proofread all of your email before you send it so she
>>can replace it with something more tactful.
>>First you say you are going to code the tutorial in Moonrock (a very
>>incomplete basic, albeit faster than Q), then you come back and ask
>>REAL experts.  Two posts, two insults.  Then you say you will give it
>>us for 1/2 price?  How sweet!!
>>Personally, I believe a tutorial written by a 12 year old who thinks
>>highly of himself lacks appeal.
>>Good luck in getting anyone to pay for it.
>>I think Ralf was the guy who "insulted" the most people on the list b4
>>(unintentionally, I assume).  I vote you as his eager replacement.

... Sad how peole can keep going on a twelve year old like this... JEEZ!
I'm not sure about Canada, but in the Washington state, anyone under 16
is not allowed to work. You know what that means? that means we have to
go do the lame jobs like mowing lawns, throwing newspapers, and
door-to-door sales. LAME! So what else can we do that can even _pay_ us?
I've tried to find a job that can pay _at least_ 7.50/hour for a 13-year
old on summer vacation, but to no avail. So what's my next solution?
Coding HTML/Java/Euphoria, and selling my results.

You know what I heard? They're selling custom databases for 300$.
<nudge, nudge>...

From a 13-year-olds pathetic, whiny mind...


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