Re: Snakers

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> On Wed, 22 Jan 1997, Nathan T Dudek wrote:
> > Huh, text games were pretty cool.   Amazing how everything has changed in
> > what seems like a small period of time......
> But was the change for the better?  Back then, computer games honed
> problem solving skills and taught you to think your way out of situations.
> Now its "lets just kill everything in sight, then blow the building up to
> bury their scorched bodies."
> Case in point:  Castle Wolfinstein was an incredible game.  You were a
> prisoner of the nazi's and your goal was to escape by sneaking around
> guards, breaking into chests and taking things you needed.  Violence was
> only used only as a last resort, and was discouraged in the game, due to
> guards hearing your gunshots and then hunting you down, and because
> bullets were very hard to come by.  Searching bodies took precious time,
> every second was one step closer to your getting caught. The odds were
> ALWAYS against you escaping, and you had to time your steps to avoid
> confronting the guards.
> How different this is to Wolfinstein 3D, where your object is to kill as
> many people and animals as you can, with escape as a secondary goal.
> Killing is encouraged, in fact, if you finish a level without killing
> everyone you are encouraged to feel like you "should have done better"
> Very seldom in the game do you feel like the odds are against you, as
> weapons and ammo are plentiful, and the only real strategy you have is
> trying to figure out how to kill the Bosses.
> I like blowing things up as much (or more!) than the next guy, and I
> enjoyed wolf3d, doom, duke nukem, et al, but theres something seriously
> lacking that used to be there. The violence and fear exercises the
> emotions and the reflexes, but what about the mind?  These games stupify
> rather than edify us.  There needs to be a balance.
> But that's just my opinion, I could be wrong... =)

You could be wrong, but you are not.  Well said.

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