Re: plans, ideas and dreams
- Posted by Bernie <xotron at LOCALNET.COM> Feb 09, 2001
On Fri, 9 Feb 2001 06:54:17 +0300, - cEnsE - <cense at MAIL.RU> wrote: > >most linux (and UNIX for that matter) apps use signals quite heavily when they need to do system tasks or the likes. could Euphoria be used to create robust linux apps with the same functionality if leftlib had the correct support for the many different API's such as advanced file handling, message queues, semaphores, FIFOs, Pipes, native DB support, any requests, etc.? > >i am dreaming too much about Euphoria on the linux system? is leftlib a lost cause? > cEnsE: Sometimes when you start out on a project like leftlib it might not seem of a lot value to you. But the deeper you get involved in it, it's value will grow as you discover new ways of doing things. I'am sure that David Cuny had no idea how much his libraries would lead to. Don't be discourage reinstall that Linux and get going on that library. I think that wrapping signals might also be of value. Bernie