Re: Dodgem ...a small game written using euAllegro and Mappy
- Posted by Ray Smith <smithr at IX.NET.AU> Nov 22, 2000
Hi, For anyone interested ... some quick info about Mappy: URL: The What is it from FAQ ------ Mappy (and I think I should have picked a better name for it) is an editor and playback library system to help people writing games that use a 'tilemap'. The tilemap is a system for storing a rectangular area of graphics using less memory than a complete picture, and also gives other useful features like collision detection (solid areas). There are different versions of the editor, but they all use and make the same FMP map files. Mappy allows you to take a picture and split it into blocks (tiles), these can then be put in a grid to make a level of any size, also the blocks can be given properties, layered, and even animated. When you have made the level, you can easily load, display and move it in your game by using the Mappy playback library for your system. Euphoria Status: I have wrapped all but one of the functions and added it into the euallegro dll (it added about 40kb). I have converted the first simple sample I am hoping to convert the tutorial demo game in the next week or so, depending on what functions out of Allegro it requires it could take longer. Ray Smith