Dodgem ...a small game written using euAllegro and Mappy
- Posted by Ray & Debbie Smith <smithr at IX.NET.AU> Nov 23, 2000
Hi, I have submitted a small game to the Recent User Contributions. It is called Dodgem, and I wrote it using euAllegro (the wrapper for Allegro I am writing). It is a basic game controlling a car at the buttom of the screen while dodging mushrooms. It isn't meant to be a fully fledged game, but more of a demo game of what can be achieved with euAllegro in an afternoon. I still have a few fun minutes a day with it though ... probably just because I wrote it :) I have also been playing with a tile map system called Mappy and have incorporated it into euAllegro it looks very impressive and I'm hoping to get a small demo written in the next week. Thanks, Ray Smith