Re: Invissible DOS-BOX ?
- Posted by Dan B Moyer <DANMOYER at PRODIGY.NET> Nov 21, 2000
All, Just in case Theo's post is confusing to anyone, a little background: 1.Using Win32Lib v0.50, I wanted to copy & delete files from a within a program; 2. however, using the dos commands made a dos box appear which I didn't want; 3. I asked how I might negate this; 4. someone suggested I use Matt Ariola's 'Win32 utilities'; 5. when I went to get them, I found "Win32 file functions" by Jeffrey Fielding, which I used instead; 6. but I still had a problem when I went to run a 2nd Euphoria program from the first, which itself ran a html program; 7. I used "DaJaRo jumpto" that Wolfgang sent me once to solve this problem; 8. Theo suggested I use Jeff's file functions, and I told him I had already found them, and mentioned solving another problem of a dos box showing when I made a Euphoria file execute, by using the "DaJaRo jumpto" wrap; 9. he found this interesting, and thought others might also, so he posted our exchange. Theo: My suspicion is that your post may have been somewhat confusing, & would have benefited from some sort of preliminary explanation. Dan Moyer