Re: Vincent, please read. (was Re: Why some ...+ FASTER PARSING than 2.4 !)

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D. Newhall wrote:

> First, "claims" mean very little. If they can prove that the company stole a
> substantial amount of their code than they can, and should, take legal action
> and such cases have been upheld in court. These cases also include some
> involving
> the GPL. There have been cases in which the court has ruled that a product be
> either disontinued or open sourced because it used GPL code.

Now what are you talking about? All lawsuits begin as claims, and then you
must prove your case in court. There is a company called ScriptLogic that
attempted to distribute a commercial product called Cloak, the same name
of a product I was commercially distributing. My product was Trademarked
and Copyrighted and had been on the market for nearly 5 years. Fortunately
it did not go to court and they changed the name of their product to
WinCloak. But if that case had gone to court, it would have taken YEARS to
get a judgment, and it would have cost tens of thousands of dollars. My
point is usually when large companies knowingly violate the license of
another company, they often take it to court because they know it takes
years and a substantial amount of money to litigate the case, and the
average small developer can’t afford this. 

----If you continue to do what you have always done,
you will get what you have always gotten.----

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