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-- This include file extends the math functions available with the following :

-- PI        this is the constant 3.1415926
-- e         this is also a math constant
-- deg       convert radian math mode to degrees mode
-- rad_deg   convert radians to degrees
-- abs       produces the absolute values of a number
-- mod       the modulus function
-- exp       produces the expodential of a number
-- sinh      hyperbolic sin
-- cosh      hyperbolic cos
-- tanh      hyperbolic tan

-- also included are a collection of
-- formulas for perimeter, area, volume, and surface areas

-- the file 'examp.ex ' is a test program which uses this include file --


global constant pi = 3.141592654
global constant e = 2.718281828

global function deg(atom x)
--syntax sin(deg(x))
           x = x*.0174533
           return x
       end function

global function rad_deg(atom x)
           x = x * 57.29578
           return x
       end function

global function abs(atom x)
           if x<1 then
             x = floor(-x)
             else x = floor(x)
           end if
           return x
        end function

global function mod(atom x,atom y)
         x = abs(x -y * abs(x/y))
         return x
       end function

global function exp(atom x)
         x = power (e,x)
         return x
       end function

global function sinh(atom x)
         x = .5 * (exp(x)-exp(-x))
         return x
       end function

global function cosh(atom x)
         x = .5 * (exp(x)+exp(-x))
         return x
       end function

global function tanh(atom x)
         x = 1-2*exp(-x)/(exp(x)+exp(-x))
         return x
       end function

-- formulas for perimeter, area, and volumes

global function area_triangle(atom base,atom height)
          atom area
          area = .5 * base * height
          return area
       end function

global function area_rectange(atom len,atom height)
          atom area
          area = len * height
          return area
       end function

global function area_parallel(atom base, atom height)
            atom area
            area = base * height
            return area
       end function

global function area_square( atom side)
          atom area
          area = side * side
          return area
       end function

global function area_trap(atom height, atom base1,atom base2)
          atom area
          area = .5*height*(base1 + base2)
          return area
       end function

global function area_circle(atom radius)
           atom area
           area = pi * radius * radius
           return area
       end function

global function surface_area_sphere(atom radius)
          atom surface_area
          surface_area = 4 * pi * radius * radius
          return surface_area
       end function

global function volume_sphere(atom radius)
          atom volume
          volume = (4 / 3) * pi * (power (radius,3))
          return volume
       end function

global function surface_area_right_circular_cone(atom radius,atom height)
          atom surface_area
          surface_area = pi * (radius * radius) + (pi * radius *
                      power (((radius * radius) + (height * height)),.5))
          return surface_area
       end function

global function volume_right_circular_cone(atom radius,atom height)
          atom volume
          volume = (1/3) * pi * radius * radius * height
          return volume
       end function

global function volume_right_circular_cylinder(atom radius, atom height)
          atom volume
          volume = pi * (radius * radius) * height
          return volume
       end function

global function surface_area_right_circular_cylinder(atom radius, atom height)
          atom surface_area
          surface_area = 2 * pi * (radius * radius) + (2 * pi * radius * height)
          return surface_area
       end function

global function surface_area_cube(atom side)
          atom surface_area
          surface_area = 6 * (side * side)
          return surface_area
       end function

global function volume_cube(atom side)
          atom volume
          volume = power(side,3)
          return volume
       end function

global function surface_area_rect_solid(atom len, atom weight, atom height)
          atom surface_area
          surface_area = 2 * weight * height + 2 * height * len +
                         2 * weight * len
          return surface_area
       end function

global function volume_rect_solid(atom len, atom weight, atom height)
           atom volume
           volume = len * weight * height
           return volume
       end function

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