Re: Too complex!!!!!!!!!

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hi Lucius,

   I found a solution to your deflatten problem.  It work on every sample I

function DeFlatten(sequence s)
integer i, l
sequence d, stack
    if length(s) < 2 then
        return {}
    end if
    d = {}
    stack = {}
    i = 1
    l = 0
    while i <= length(s)  do
       if s[i] > 0 then
          if l > 0 then
            stack = append(stack,{l,d})
          end if
          l = s[i]
          d = {}
          i = i + 1
       elsif s[i] = 0 then
          if l > 0  then
            d = append(d,{})
          end if
          i = i + 1
          d = d & s[i+1]
          i = i + 2
       end if
       while length(d) = l and length(stack) do
          d = append(stack[length(stack)][2],d)
          l = stack[length(stack)][1]
          stack = stack[1..length(stack)-1]
       end while
    end while
    if length(stack) then
        for j = length(stack) to 1 by -1 do
            d = append(stack[j][2],d)
        end for
    end if
    return d
end function -- DeFlatten()

Jacques Deschenes
Baie-Comeau, Quebec
desja at

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