Too complex!!!!!!!!!

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I created this code.
It works great.
BUT I can't figure out how to undo it.

I have designed some code that will
convert any sequence Multi-Dimensional
or not into a single dimension
sequence. This sequence will be
easier to save to a file.
Compressing these sequences should be

My problem is that I have figured out
how to design a function to Recreate
the original sequences from these
Single dimension sequences.

DON'T LAUGH at the size of it.
It took me 6 hours to come up with
this perfect design. I threw away
several failed attempts at this.

I would also appreciate a good name
for this function. I presently call
it Flatten. This doesn't exactly sound
right though. The function does
recursive calls. So if you rename it
you must rename where it calls itself
for it to work.

HERE is the Function.

-- Created by Lucius L. Hilley III --
-- Co-Creator of Hollow Horse Soft --
--          06-09-1997             --

function Flatten(sequence s)
  sequence temp
  sequence sh

  sh = {length(s)}
  for a = 1 to sh[1] do
    if sequence(s[a]) then
      temp = Flatten(s[a])
      sh = sh & temp
      sh = sh & {-1, s[a]}
    end if
  end for
  return sh
end function

--This one of my Vain attempts
--function DeFlatten(sequence s)
--  atom a, p
--  sequence temp
--  a = 2
--  p = 1
--  temp = repeat({}, s[1])
--  while a <= length(s) do
--    if s[a] = -1 then
--      a = a + 1
--      temp[p] = s[a]
--      p = p + 1
--    else
--      temp[p] = repeat({}, s[a])
--    end if
--    a = a + 1
--  end while
--  return temp
--end function

-- This should give a pretty good demonstration.
-- The first value is length of main sequence.
-- If first value is 0 then it is an empty sequence.
-- If not then if second value is 0 you have an
-- empty sequence for your first value inside the
-- sequence.
-- A -1 value indicates that an atom follows.
-- All values are lengths or -1 for atom
-- and an atom follows all -1's.

sequence x

x = {}
? x
? Flatten(x)
x = {{}}
? x
? Flatten(x)
x = {5}
? x
? Flatten(x)
x = {{5}}
? x
? Flatten(x)
x = {1,2}
? x
? Flatten(x)
x = {{},{}}
? x
? Flatten(x)
x = {9,{8},7,{},6}
? x
? Flatten(x)
x = {{{9}},8,7,{6}}
? x
? Flatten(x)


--Lucius Lamar Hilley III
--  E-mail at luciuslhilleyiii at
--  I support transferring of files less than 60K.
--  I can Decode both UU and Base64 format.

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