Minesweeper beater scenerios

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--From the looks of this.
--I would be better off writing a program to generate the scenerios.
--I can easily create many more but I'm not intrested in hand building any more.

Walls and Empty Squares are equals
* = Mine
0 = Empty Square
+ = Square that hasn't been tried
~ = Safe Square
# = Walls


####  ####  ####  ####  ####  ####
#01+  #01+  #02*  #01+  #02*  #02*
#12+  #13+  #13*  #23+  #24*  #25*
#++~  #++*  #++~  #**~  #**~  #***

#####  #####  #####  #####  #####  #####  #####  #####  #####  #####
#001+  #001+  #001+  #001+  #002*  #002*  #002*  #002*  #002*  #002*
#111+  #112+  #122+  #222+  #112*  #113*  #123*  #223*  #234*  #235*
#*~~~  #~*~~  #*~*~  #**~~  #*~~~  #++~*  #*~*~  #**~~  #***~  #****

#####  #####  #####  #####  #####  #####  #####  #####  #####  #####  ##### 
#####  #####  #####  #####  #####  #####  #####  #####  #####  #####  ##### 
#####  #####  #####  #####  #####  #####  #####
#001+  #001+  #001+  #001+  #001+  #001+  #002*  #002*  #001*  #002*  #001~ 
#001+  #001+  #001+  #001~  #002*  #001+  #002*  #002*  #001*  #002*  #001+ 
#002*  #001*  #002*  #002*  #002*  #002*  #002*
#001+  #001+  #002+  #001+  #002+  #001+  #002*  #002*  #002~  #002*  #001* 
#001+  #002+  #002+  #001*  #002*  #002+  #002*  #002*  #001~  #003*  #001+ 
#003*  #002~  #003*  #002*  #003*  #003*  #003*
#111~  #112~  #112*  #122~  #122*  #222~  #112~  #122~  #222*  #222~  #113~ 
#123~  #113*  #123*  #223~  #113~  #223*  #123~  #223~  #232~  #112*  #233~ 
#113*  #233*  #123*  #233~  #223*  #234*  #235*
#++~+  #++~+  #++~+  #++*+  #++*~  #**~+  #++~+  #*~*~  #**~~  #**~~  #~*~* 
#++*+  #++~+  #++*+  #**~*  #~*~*  #**~*  #++**  #**~*  #***~  #+~~~  #***+ 
#++~+  #***~  #*~*~  #***~  #**~~  #***~  #****

    Lucius L. Hilley III - Unkmar

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