Minesweeper beater scenerios
- Posted by Lucius L. Hilley III <Euphoria at unkmar.com> Sep 06, 2005
--From the looks of this. --I would be better off writing a program to generate the scenerios. --I can easily create many more but I'm not intrested in hand building any more. Walls and Empty Squares are equals * = Mine 0 = Empty Square + = Square that hasn't been tried ~ = Safe Square # = Walls [Start] #### #### #### #### #### #### #01+ #01+ #02* #01+ #02* #02* #12+ #13+ #13* #23+ #24* #25* #++~ #++* #++~ #**~ #**~ #*** ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### #001+ #001+ #001+ #001+ #002* #002* #002* #002* #002* #002* #111+ #112+ #122+ #222+ #112* #113* #123* #223* #234* #235* #*~~~ #~*~~ #*~*~ #**~~ #*~~~ #++~* #*~*~ #**~~ #***~ #**** ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### #001+ #001+ #001+ #001+ #001+ #001+ #002* #002* #001* #002* #001~ #001+ #001+ #001+ #001~ #002* #001+ #002* #002* #001* #002* #001+ #002* #001* #002* #002* #002* #002* #002* #001+ #001+ #002+ #001+ #002+ #001+ #002* #002* #002~ #002* #001* #001+ #002+ #002+ #001* #002* #002+ #002* #002* #001~ #003* #001+ #003* #002~ #003* #002* #003* #003* #003* #111~ #112~ #112* #122~ #122* #222~ #112~ #122~ #222* #222~ #113~ #123~ #113* #123* #223~ #113~ #223* #123~ #223~ #232~ #112* #233~ #113* #233* #123* #233~ #223* #234* #235* #++~+ #++~+ #++~+ #++*+ #++*~ #**~+ #++~+ #*~*~ #**~~ #**~~ #~*~* #++*+ #++~+ #++*+ #**~* #~*~* #**~* #++** #**~* #***~ #+~~~ #***+ #++~+ #***~ #*~*~ #***~ #**~~ #***~ #**** Lucius L. Hilley III - Unkmar