Re: Possible offensive msg

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On Wed, 18 Nov 1998 10:16:27 -0000, Bown, John <John.Bown at UK.ORIGIN-IT.COM>

>>As for Windows, most Windows programs spend most
>>of their time inside WIN32 API calls, popping up new windows,
>>dialogs etc.. It won't matter much if they are programmed
>>in a language somewhat slower than compiled C, if
>>(say) 80% of their time is spent inside Windows itself.
>Which is why Visual Basic ( oops, a nughty word :-] ) is actually quite
>fast as long as it's not doing difficult processing when not sitting
>there waiting for an I/O event. All the hard stuff, text box
>editing/scrolling etc etc is handled by Windows.

Thanks: this in a way clarifies my point:
If graphics, specifically user-interface graphics, can be fast
when run by basic / windows, why cannot DOS graphics - again,
user-interface graphics - running on the "bare metal", be at
least as fast? Windows is not known for being a fine example
of lean, clean coding, is it?

So, what do we have to do to build a fast gui "include"?


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