Re: Open source Euphoria

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On Mon, 28 Dec 1998 16:51:27 +0700, Hendy Irawan <ceefour at INDO.NET.ID> wrote:

>Haiya Euphoria Programming for MS-DOS, this is my reply for the letter you
sent on Senin, 28 Desember 1998:

>Hey, I didn't get the thing about registered Eu (didn't have the time
>to read the docs blink what's it? do I have to register it to make
>commercial apps or something?
From the documentation:

> Licensing
 You have complete royalty-free rights to any Euphoria programs that you
 develop. You are free to distribute the Public Domain Edition ex.exe and/or
 exw.exe either separately or bound with your program. You may incorporate any
 Euphoria .e, .ew, .ex or .exw files from this package into your program,
 either "as is" or with your modifications. (You will probably need at least a
 few of the standard include files in any large program).

 We would appreciate it if you told people that your program was developed
 using Euphoria, and gave them the address:
 of our Web page, but we do not require any such acknowledgment.

 The only files that you may *not* distribute are the ex.exe and exw.exe files
 that come with the Complete Edition.

>BTW has anyone done a comparison of the compilers? Of course say that
>assembler compiler is faster than Pascal, Pascal is faster than C, C
>is faster than C++, so, where's Eu's compiler in there? (not based on
>"experience", but on research)

Well, ignoring the fact that Euphoria is not compiled, but interpreted,
we also have to decide what we mean by faster: Do we want faster program
design, faster coding, faster compile time, or faster run time?

For example, a program witten in Euphoria "compiles" in a fraction
of a second. The same thing in C may take 20-30 seconds to compile with gcc.
Now, if I make mistakes in my program (who doesn't?) I have to correct
the code and re-compile. If I do this, say 50 times while developing
a program, which is faster?
The finished C program will most likely run faster than Euphoria.
But does it matter? If I'm writing a game, probably yes.
But most programs spend their time waiting for user input anyway; for them,
execution speed isn't very important.


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