Re: Adventure Parser ?

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"Jerome T. Nichols" wrote:
> Consider this verb definition in Hugo code (taken from verblib.g)
> verblib.g is the main gammer definition file for Hugo.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> verb "look", "l"
>         *                                                       DoLookAround
>         * "in"/"inside" container                               DoLookIn
>         * "on" platform                                         DoLookIn
>         * "at" object                                           DoLook
>         * "out"/"through" object                                DoLookThrough
>         * "under"/"underneath"/"beneath" object                 DoLookUnder
>         * "beside"/"behind"/"around" object                     DoLookUnder
>         * object                                                DoLook
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

hrmmmm.... i can see this being placed into a multiuser adventure,
quite easily, with a parser already built... ;)

let's see...

global function do_look(sequence user, sequence param)
integer len
object showthis, action

   len   = length(param)
   param = Lower(param)

   if    len = 0 then        --looka da pweettyyyy wallssss
         return ShowIt(user,ROOM,"")
   elsif len = 1 then
         showthis = param[1] --pick off an object/thing
         return ShowIt(user,THING,showthis)
   elsif len = 2 then
         action   = param[1][1..2] --pick off the action command
         showthis = param[2]       --pick off the target
         if    IsSame(action,"at")
               then return ShowIt(user,THING,showthis)

         elsif IsSame(action,"in") --in, inside, into
               then return do_lookin    (user,showthis)

         elsif IsSame(action,"un") --under, underneath...
               then return do_lookunder (user,showthis)

         elsif IsSame(action,"be") --behind,beneath,beside...
               then return do_lookunder (user,showthis)

         elsif IsSame(action,"ar") --around
               then return do_lookunder (user,showthis)

         elsif IsSame(action,"ou") --out, outside...
               then return do_lookthru  (user,showthis)

         elsif IsSame(action,"th") --thru, through
               then return do_lookthru  (user,showthis)
         end if
   end if
   SendToUser(user,NEWLINE & "Syntax...blah")
   return user
end function

i'm reasonably sure that the quasi-pseudo/real code above is rather
clear/neat... whatta ya think? :)

it's actually not very far from what i'm coding :)

ShowThis is gonna look similar to the following...

glob func ShowThis(seq user, int thingtype, seq thing)
object what
    if    thingtype = ROOM  then
          what = GetRoomNum(user)
          what = GetRoomDesc(what)
    elsif thingtype = THING then
          what = LookupObjectByName(thing)
          what = GetObjectDesc(what)
    end if
    SendToUser(user, NEWLINE)
    SendPageToUser(user, what)
    return user
end func

'course, there'll be a wee bit of extra code added for error checking,
like if LookupObjByName returns a not found error, before i go running
off and attempt to snarf a description from a NULL :)

but, so far, i keep thinking that we have a half dozen people writing
*parsers* for IF, but one is already built for y'all...
and it doesn't have to be multiuser, u can just strip my
parser and have at it...

on the other hand, since we have a half dozen people working on
IF, in one form or another, shouldn't we put a halt to all this
duplication of code?  and instead concentrate on the meat and
potatoes? (the game itself, the... well all the rooms, and objects
and stuff need descriptions and definitions and such... areas
built persay)

i'm not gonna say that my parser is better or worse than another's
parser... I will say that my parser *can* handle multiple users
inside the adventure game... and to date, i know of NO actual
*adventure* game that allowed multiple users...
there are MUD's, and chatters/talkers, but none of them are
really *adventures*... they may have mini-quests, sure, but...
none of them are like Zork or CutThroat or KingsQuest...

i've always wanted to know what it would be like if we coulda
had 20, 30, 100... people, grouped together, exploring Zork...

sure, we all had our buddies over, and one person typed while
everyone else hunched over, trying to read, and throw out
suggestions of what to do next... my neck still hurts from
all that craneing :)

but try this:

Johan lifts the rug.
Under the persian rug you find a trap door, which is unlocked,
but appears frozen shut from years of not being used.

Altain uses his prybar on the trap door.
The trap door begins to creak open, as Altain bears his
might against the prybar.
The trap door is open.
A set of stairs leads down into the stench rising up from the
hole where the trap door used to be.

Perynth says, "You go first."
Altain says, "Oh no, I opened it, I'm not going down there."
Merisol says, "Oh you are all wimps."
Altain says, "Who you callin wimp? I opened the damn door."
    {here is a neat thing i would have always liked to see:
    {private messages from the GAME, to a SINGLE player :)
    {this next line is sent ONLY to Johan, choosen at random:
    {You hear a faint ... moan?}
Johan says,"Did you hear that?"
Perynth says, "Hear what?"
Johan says, "I'm telling you, I heard something down there."
Merisol says, "and... what did you hear? Your heart thumping because you
               too scared to climb down those stairs?"
Altain says, "oh all right, I'll go first."
Altain lights his lantern.
Altain descends the stairs, and the halo from his lantern slowly
diminishes until you see only the barest glow from the hole.

now, to me, that woulda been kewl :)
and those four 'people' coulda been at the 4 corners of the world...
and graphics wouldn't spoil it either... text or text/graphics
would be pretty much ok by me...

> More info and examples on Hugo can be found on my web site
> shown in the footer of this message. It was just a idea I did on
> the subject, though I'd pass it on.
good idea, i like the idea of choosing one parser and having people
interested in contributing/writing/coding making 'areas' for
the game, and perhaps have a repository for "need this command"
<i will write that command> type of delegation on the project...

take care--Hawke'

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