Re: Rich Edit confusion
- Posted by euman at Mar 01, 2002
> Hi, > I have to questions involving the rich edit control. > 1) I want to setFont to a richedit control. simly using setFont isn't > working, Please tell me what is going on or what i have to do to setFont to > a RichEdit Control(without need for going through the font dialog)? Jordah I dont use win32lib but this works for me everytime. Get a copy of the MS SDK if you dont already have it. Dont get the Borland or LCC version get MS' version. its more helpfull I think to have .chm help instead of the old style windows help. Im not entirly sure Win32lib is set up like this infact I think it has some sort of custom built deal to handle fonts. Maybe this needs to be put into the library. Here's the code! good luck! xCreateFont = link_c_func(gdi32,"CreateFontA",{C_INT, C_INT, C_INT, C_INT, C_INT, C_INT, C_INT, C_INT, C_INT, C_INT, C_INT, C_INT, C_INT, C_POINTER}, C_INT) function CreateFont(integer nHeight, integer nWidth, integer nEsc, integer nOrient, integer fnWidth, atom fdwItal, atom fdwUnd, atom fdwStr, atom fdwChar, atom OutPrec, atom cliPric, atom fdwQual, atom fdwPitch, atom fntname) atom font font = c_func(xCreateFont,{nHeight,nWidth,nEsc,nOrient,fnWidth,fdwItal,fdwUnd,fdwStr, fdwChar,OutPrec,cliPric,fdwQual,fdwPitch,fntname}) return font end function constant TRANSPARENT = 1 constant TA_CENTER = 6, TA_LEFT = 0 constant FW_NORMAL = 400, ANSI_CHARSET = 0, OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS = 0, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS = 0, DEFAULT_QUALITY = 0, DEFAULT_PITCH = 0, FF_DONTCARE = 0 constant ANSI_FIXED_FONT = 11, ANSI_VAR_FONT = 12, DEFAULT_GUI_FONT = 17 -- hope I copied all the constants if not let me know jordah global atom fnt, hnewfnt, fntname, item global procedure Create_fonts() fntname = allocate_string("Sans Serif") --Substitute you font choice ->"Sans Serif" fnt = CreateFont(16, 0, 0, 0, FW_NORMAL, 0, 0, 0, ANSI_CHARSET, OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, DEFAULT_QUALITY, DEFAULT_PITCH + FF_DONTCARE, fntname) --16 is the font size free(fntname) end procedure -- Create you Richedit control "name it Edit" junk = SendMessage(Edit, WM_SETFONT, fnt, 0) > 2)In case you want to select all text in a richedit control, it says in the > documentaion that you can simply use setIndex(RE,{0,-1}). This is not > working. I'm currently using the patched up version of win32lib ie 55.5? > Some one please tell me how i can select all items in a RichEdit control. junk = SendMessage(Edit,EM_SETSEL, num_chars,-1) Euman euman at > > > Hope to get feed Back. > > Jordah > <jorfergie03 at>