Re: Next Release: Euphoria 3.0, not 2.6
- Posted by Vincent <darkvincentdude at> Jul 07, 2005
Juergen Luethje wrote: > > You are more than welcome to join the project. > Thanks, I might just do that after I finish my game project. If I for example was directing this project, I would establish five general rules that would need to be observed while developing this library: 1) Keep things organized by seperating routines, variables, constants by catagory. Each catagory would have it's own include file. Exa: Timer.e, PPrint.e, Hash.e, FileO.e, AdvMath.e, Bits.e, so on. 2) Always strive for platform independence. In this case try to make all the routines work for all supported platforms: DOS, Windows, Linux, and FreeBSD. Try hard to limit exceptions on this. 3) Keep things relative. Only incorperate things that would be practical in a standard library. Don't go and incorporate the wrappers for SDL, Morfit, OpenGL, Bass, etc. In fact, as a general rule of thumb, limit implementeing any sort of wrapped routines... preferibly, avoiding it completely. But exceptions like wrapping Win32's API high precision timer routines do exist. 4) Ensure high efficency and optimization for all the algorithms. We want the least amount of overhead, and the most speed as possible, when using the library. Rule #1 also helps in this aspect by keeping the size of the include files small. 5) Documentation, this is perhaps the most time consuming part. But like any other library, knowing what the routines do, and how to use them is key to making use of it. The concept in which RDS follows with their reference manual: title, platform, syntax, and description is very desirable. HTM format would make it professional looking, but RichText format would be adequate enough. Now I of course have no jurisdiction over this, but following a guideline like this should ensure an elegent standard library in the end, that all Euphoria users would appreciate. If I helped out, I would personally follow the first four guidelines/rules. Leaving the fifth for someone else, becuase I'm no good at documentation. Regards, Vincent ---------------------------------------------- ___ __________ ___ /__/\ /__________\ |\ _\ \::\'\ //::::::::::\\ |'|::| \::\'\ //:::_::::_:::\\ |'|::| \::\'\ //::/ |::| \::\\ |'|::| \::\'\ //::/ |::| \::\\|'|::| \::\'\__//::/ |::| \::\|'|::| \::\','/::/ |::| \::\\|::| \::\_/::/ |::| \::\|::| \::,::/ |::| \:::::| \___/ |__| \____| .``. ',,' ----------------------------------------------