unlink and rename functions for Linux exu
- Posted by freeplay at mailandnews.com Aug 22, 2001
All, I have the following two functions for unlinking and renaming files with the exw.exe Windows interpreter. Can I do a similar thing with the exu Linux interpreter? ------------------------------------------------------------- function unlink_win(sequence filename) atom kernel32 atom deletefile atom a atom r kernel32 = open_dll("kernel32.dll") if kernel32 = 0 then return(-1) end if deletefile = define_c_func(kernel32, "DeleteFileA", {C_POINTER}, C_INT) if deletefile = -1 then return(-1) end if a = allocate_string(filename) r = c_func(deletefile, {a}) free(a) if r != 1 then return(-1) end if return(0) end function function rename_win(sequence oldname, sequence newname) atom kernel32 atom movefile atom old atom new atom r kernel32 = open_dll("kernel32.dll") if kernel32 = 0 then return(-1) end if movefile = define_c_func(kernel32, "MoveFileA", {C_POINTER, C_POINTER}, C_INT) if movefile = -1 then return(-1) end if old = allocate_string(oldname) new = allocate_string(newname) r = c_func(movefile, {old, new}) free(old) free(new) if r != 1 then return(-1) end if return(0) end function Regards, FP.