RE: Challenge for speed freaks
- Posted by mistertrik at Feb 17, 2002
There are arguments for and against adding 'enhancements' to the language. Adding functionality will usually come at a cost to speed. However, if you don't use that particular function in the program, then you will (probably) still be taxed by it. Well, if we look at exw.exe, why isn't win32lib integrated? Because not everyone needs to use it, and it would slow people down. Not everyone wants warnings in their program for unused variables, so the interpreter allows 'without warning' so that it can a:run faster b:not warn the programmer. In the same way Rob, I think that you should add these 'extensions' to the interpreter, if you can do it in such a way that if a user wants OOP in their program, then they type 'with oop' at the top. Or 'without oop' if they don't... Responses, anyone? ===================================================== .______<-------------------\__ / _____<--------------------__|=== ||_ <-------------------/ \__| Mr Trick