Mask & Flags
- Posted by Euman <euman at> Jun 15, 2001
This question is related to Win32lib (may be for Derek) Why are the Style Mask and Flags not set to the way the MS docs have them setup? e.g: classStyle[ReBar]=or_all({WS_CHILD, WS_VISIBLE, WS_TABSTOP, WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, WS_CLIPCHILDREN, CCS_ADJUSTABLE, WS_BORDER, }) Instead of : classStyle[ReBar]=or_all({--RBBS_BREAK, --RBBS_CHILDEDGE, RBBS_FIXEDBMP, RBBS_FIXEDSIZE, RBBS_GRIPPERALWAYS, --RBBS_HIDDEN, --RBBS_NOGRIPPER, --RBBS_USECHEVRON, --RBBS_VARIABLEHEIGHT, }) Mybe the values are similar but, Is this due to time or would you like for someone to research these and put them in where they belong, cause I just found out that my previous ReBar question (how to put multiple PictureButtons on a single Rebarband) now works with the correct flags set. I'm not bitchin I would like to know so that maybe I can be of use on the library... Euman euman at