Re: Deleting a file

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On Mon, 28 Apr 1997 19:09:12 -0400 Architek <architek at GEOCITIES.COM>
>Hi, I've got a problem:
>I need to delete a file, but don't want to use the system() function,
>cause it has to be "transparent" to the user.
>            ************************************
>            This message sent by Daniel Berstein
>            ************************************
>     email: architek at

If you are doing it from text mode then you can make your active
page, 1 or 2 or something other than your display page which
I believe is 0 by default.  ONLY problem there is that I believe
your error message will pop up on page 0.  NOT sure.
Check it out.  You should have no problem using this with DOS
commands such as copy.

I am under ver 6.22 of DOS.  My del doesn't return anything.
unless the file isn't found.

You should use:
  file = "filename.tmp"
  system("del "& file, 2)
  system("del filename.tmp", 2)

Since delete doesn't display anything you
can do it under Text or Graphics mode.

Hope this helps

--Lucius Lamar Hilley III
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