Deleting a file
- Posted by Architek <architek at GEOCITIES.COM> Apr 28, 1997
Hi, I've got a problem: I need to delete a file, but don't want to use the system() function, cause it has to be "transparent" to the user. So I got this bright idea of using DOS interrupts (#21). At the end is the code I used, but it doesn't work... I keep getting DOS error 2 (file not found) and 5 (access denied). Can anyone tell me what is wrong? Is there any other way to that? I also needed to copy a file but I solve that with a loop of getc() and puts() until an EOF.. is there another eficient way? Thanks. -------------CUT HERE-------------- -- SYS_DEL() -- Uses DOS INT #21, service #41 to delete a file given an ASCIIZ filename -- Returns 1 if succesfull, else return 0 and displays DOS error code -- INT reference: HelpPC 2.1 function sys_del(sequence filename) sequence reg_list integer buff buff = allocate_low(length(filename)+1) poke(buff,filename) poke(buff+length(filename),0) reg_list = repeat(0,10) reg_list[REG_AX] = #4100 reg_list[REG_DS] = floor(buff/16) reg_list[REG_DX] = remainder(buff,16) reg_list = dos_interrupt(#21,reg_list) free_low(buff) if remainder(reg_list[REG_FLAGS],2) != 0 then puts(1, "DOS error number :") print(1,reg_list[REG_AX]) puts(1,"\n") return 0 else return 1 end if end function --------END OF CODE-------- -- ************************************ This message sent by Daniel Berstein ************************************ email: architek at homepages: