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On Tue, 15 Apr 1997 04:20:46 GMT Mike Fowler <stoner at NELSUN.GEN.NZ>

SORRY no time to CUT
>hi all
>im having a bit of trouble...
>i am writing a programme that has mouse buttons in it, and the x and y
>co-ord's of the buttons are stored in the sequence mb like:
>mb = append(mb, {x1, y1, x2, y2, "button_name", button_signature}
>so when the user clicks the mouse, it quickly searches to see if that
>mouse click was in the area specified in mb[1] (or mb[whatever])
>that's all okay, BUT... if I try:
>mb = {}
>i get an error and it wont do it. Any ideas??
>Thanks :)
>Mike Fowler - mike.fowler at

Suggestion.  {} is a zero length sequence.
mb = {}
? mb[1]
will give an error of subscript out of bounds in sequence

Your check routine should be built similiar to the following.

if length(mb) > 0 then
  If mb[1] then
    do something using mb[1]
    and so on....
  end if
end if


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