Now for some actual euphoria/linux questions...
- Posted by Paul <draegur at WSERV.COM> Apr 17, 2000
Hello again everyone.. It's been a while since I have needed aid from this group (which is a good thing from my viewpoint). I have a few questions that perhaps someone out there knows the answer to. As I am sure most of you don't remember, I am recoding a mud that I created in Euphoria. I am stuck at a few points however.. First, How do I go about running the ex file in the background so that I do not have to be connected to the server machine? Second, is there any way to stop euphoria from crashing when it hits an error in a procedure or function? Instead perhaps to have it report the error to an error file and exit the routine at that point? Third, does anyone know how to alter the color of the text that I send out through the socket connections? Any help in these areas would be, as always, appreciated! Paul