Re: c peek string problem
- Posted by Bernie Ryan <xotron at BUFFNET.NET> Apr 01, 2000
global function GetLastErrorFormated() sequence szMessage atom iszMessage atom hr,len iszMessage= allocate(80) hr=c_func(iGetLastError,{}) len=FormatMessage( or_all({FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER, FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM}), NULL, hr, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), --//The user default language iszMessage, 0, NULL ) szMessage={} --------------------------------- -- you need to convert memory string into a sequence -- add this code which converts the memory -- string into a sequence sequence TheMessage integer char atom mem_addr mem_addr = iszMessage TheMessage = "" if len then char = peek(mem_addr) while char do -- <<------- watchs for zero termination TheMessage = append(TheMessage, char) -- builds the sequence mem_addr += 1 char = peek(mem_addr) end while end if -- then change your code to print -- TheMessage sequence below with a %s in the msgbox --------------------------------- szMessage=peek({iszMessage,len}) msgbox(sprintf("%s%s%s%d%s%d", {"szMessage=",szMessage,", len=",len, -- says len=32 ", iszMessage=",iszMessage --says iszMessage=7405344 })) end if free(iszMessage) return szMessage end function