Re: Parsing

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On Tue, 8 Apr 1997 16:59:46 -0400 The Reaper <reaper at LOKI.ATCON.COM>

>At 05:33 PM 4/7/97 PST, you wrote:

>>Joe wrote:

>>> I should know how to do this, but I don't. Could some one show me
>>> example of parsing stuff read in from a file. For example sake an
>>> HTML file, and reading any <P>, <BR>, or <B> tags. Thanks.

>>Here's a program that will read an HTML file, and return a sequence
>of token
>>in the form:


>Unfortunatly, with both of the code supplied, you are forgeting the
>that the "<" and ">" symbols can be used without starting a tag and
>that an
>end-of-line CAN be inside them. You'd have to make a program that
>checks for
>the key words as well as the symbols.
>The Reaper  (J. Lays)

My CODE did take into account <end-of-line> inside.
and I don't plan to spend the time to create a HTML reader.
< and > will show if the character following < is not a letter
or an (!) exclamation point.

The proper way to show < is with &lt; and > with &gt; meaning
LessThan and GreaterThan. You are suppose to follow &lt with
the semicolon. To show & you are suppose to use &amp which
means Ampersand.

<dummy> and <I have created a dummy >
<! This is a HTML comment>

This is an Euphoria list it should not have turned into a HTML

I and my Parsing accomplice where trying to show how Parsing
would be handled.  We had no intentions in creating a full blown
parser for HTML files.  (well at least I didn't :] )

But of course Reaper is right.  We should have mentioned that
we had not handled all the details of HTML.

My apologizes for not making that clear.

--Lucius Lamar Hilley III
--  E-mail at luciuslhilleyiii at
--  I support transferring of files less than 60K.
--  I can Decode both UU and Base64 format.

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