- Posted by Karl Bochert <kbochert at> Jan 06, 2007
Having seen some of the misunderstandings, I would like to re-present my SS proposal in different words. Perhaps I can be clearer. StructureS
-- Define a structure structure Point is atom x, y end structure
A piece of data named Point is created. It has 2 elements which can only be accessed by name The values of the elements are always initialized, to 0 if not otherwise specified.
?Point.x --> "0.0" ?Point.y --> "0.0" Point.x += 3.0 Point.y = Point.x + 1.0 ?Point.x --> "3.0" ?Point.y --> "4.0"
The ids used for the members ( x and y) are available only in the Point namespace, not globally so:
?Point.x --> "3.0" ?x -- ERROR not defined integer x x = 1 ?x --> "1" ?Point.x --> "3.0"
In addition to holding some data, Point may be used as a prototype to create new data. It provides both the structure and the data to the new item.
Point p1 ?p1.x --> "3.0" ?p1.y --> "4.0"
The newly created structure has all the attributes of a structure and can be used to create further structures
p1.x = 2.0 p1 p2 ?p2.x -> "2.0"
-- extends A structure may be declared as being an extension of another, in which case it has all the elements of the structure being extended and any new items it declares
structure Point3d extends Point atom z end structure ?Point3d.z --> "0.0" ?Point3d.x --> "2.0" --Point.x was set above, and copied into Point3d
The not-notation is fully nestable so:
structure color is integer r, g, b end structure structure ColorPoint extends Point color mycol end structure ?ColorPoint.color --> "<0,0,0>" ?ColorPoint.color.r --> "0"
Note how ColorPoint.color is printed. A structure is NOT a sequence! KtB