Type Class!
- Posted by Mike The Spike <mtsreborn at yahoo.com> Mar 17, 2001
Here's a little trick I fished up just now... You like VB huh? You like it when you can create a property, and set and get the status of a variable... Confused? No problem, Eu can do that too! Here it is... If you didn't know you could do this (people are afraid of using 'type' nowadays), you'll think how you could miss this cool feature of Eu's. Ok... What if you'd want a variable, that when assigned a value, it autmatically processes that data using your own specifc code? An example? Here ya go. type type_writer(sequence s) puts(1,s) return 1 end type Now simply say; type_writer echo echo = "Hello World!" What happens? "Hello World!" is printed to the screen. Also usefull for doing Memory Dumping. Keep track of each value assigned to a variable, by writing them to disk. Wouldn't it be cool to do 'classes' in Eu, FOR REAL? Well, you can! Like this; type class(sequence func) call_proc(func,func[2]) return 1 end type Now you can do this!; class myclass myclass = {"MyPuts","Hello World!"} After this assignement, routine 'MyPuts' is called with "Hello World!", thus writing this string to the screen (assuming that's what MyPuts does). That ain't all folks... There *LOADS* of things you can do with types... Go ahead! Try it! Classes, properties, debugging, resource tracking, ByRef passing (routine_id works on types aswell!!), etc... There's no limits, just your own imagination. So go ahead! Types won't bite! Mike The Spike PS. Don't forget to use 'without type_check' for extra speed boosts!