1. Type Class!

Here's a little trick I fished up just now...

You like VB huh?
You like it when you can create a property, and set
and get the status of a variable...
No problem, Eu can do that too!

Here it is...
If you didn't know you could do this (people are
afraid of using 'type' nowadays), you'll think how you
could miss this cool feature of Eu's.

What if you'd want a variable, that when assigned a
value, it autmatically processes that data using your
own specifc code?
An example?
Here ya go.

type type_writer(sequence s)
    return 1
end type

Now simply say;

type_writer echo
echo = "Hello World!"

What happens?
"Hello World!" is printed to the screen.
Also usefull for doing Memory Dumping.
Keep track of each value assigned to a variable, by
writing them to disk.

Wouldn't it be cool to do 'classes' in Eu, FOR REAL?
Well, you can!
Like this;

type class(sequence func)
    return 1
end type

Now you can do this!;

class myclass
myclass = {"MyPuts","Hello World!"}

After this assignement,
routine 'MyPuts' is called with "Hello World!", thus
writing this string to the screen (assuming that's
what MyPuts does).

That ain't all folks...
There *LOADS* of things you can do with types...
Go ahead!
Try it!
Classes, properties, debugging, resource tracking,
ByRef passing (routine_id works on types aswell!!),
There's no limits, just your own imagination.

So go ahead!
Types won't bite!

Mike The Spike
PS. Don't forget to use 'without type_check' for extra
speed boosts!

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2. Re: Type Class!

tacitus wrote:

> i was interested in types as well - but
> soon came to the conclusion that they
> are really just functions disguised in
> a slightly different syntax.

Yes, for *emulating classes* they are essentially worthless.

First, you can't query an object to see what class it belongs to. For

   type this( integer i )
      if i > 5 then return 1 else return 0 end if
   end type

   type that( integer i )
      if i > 10 then return 1 else return 0 end if
   end type

Now, declare an object:

   that instanceOfThat

   if this( instanceOfThat ) then
      puts( "class = this\n")
   end if

   if that( instanceOfThat ) then
      puts( "class = that\n")
   end if

Lo and behold, it belongs to both types!

The other major problem is that you lose the 'type' when it's passed through
a 'generic' type. For example:

   mySpecialType myInstance

   procedure foo( object bar )
   end procedure

If you call:

   foo( myInstance )

and myInstance is essentially cast into an object.

-- David Cuny

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3. Re: Type Class!

> Yes, for *emulating classes* they are essentially
> worthless.


> First, you can't query an object to see what class
> it belongs to. For
> example:
>    type this( integer i )
>       if i > 5 then return 1 else return 0 end if
>    end type
>    type that( integer i )
>       if i > 10 then return 1 else return 0 end if
>    end type
> Now, declare an object:
>    that instanceOfThat
>    if this( instanceOfThat ) then
>       puts( "class = this\n")
>    end if
>    if that( instanceOfThat ) then
>       puts( "class = that\n")
>    end if
> Lo and behold, it belongs to both types!

Yep, but there are ways around this, complex
time-based ways, but hey, who needs that anyways?
You should know what a class' type is, CLASS!

> The other major problem is that you lose the 'type'
> when it's passed through
> a 'generic' type. For example:
>    mySpecialType myInstance
>    procedure foo( object bar )
>    end procedure
> If you call:
>    foo( myInstance )
> and myInstance is essentially cast into an object.

Use foo( mySpecialType ) instead.
Those other Euphoria class libraries don't do all this
stuff eighter.
Atleast using types is somewhat more *real* instead of
haing to call 'member(MyClass,"myMember",{args})', you
waste loads of memory using integer handles to
classes, and it's all slow too for they have to be
looked up in a sequence, etc...

> -- David Cuny

But hey, I only gave an example...
You can do other cool things with types too...
Here's a couple of more things that you didn't know Eu
could do, all having to do with datatypes somehow;

Did You Know...

- That you can get the address, in memory, of a
function or procedure? And peek at the machine code
the function or procedure embeds in memory?
And call them from inline ASM or Machine Code?
That's right!
You do it like this;

atom pointer
pointer = call_back(routine_id("wait_key"))
call(pointer)  -- call() is used to call machine code

So essentially, you can 'jmp' to a Eu routine in ASM,
'call' one in ASM, and use call() to call it as
machine code.

Machine COde freaks can even try to keep peeking at
Euphoria's internal routines starting from the address
returned by call_back() untill you encounter a RET
machine code. This way, you can get the Machine Code
source of Euphoria runtime-routines!

- That you can re-write Euphoria's built-in routines
by providing alternatives of your own, written in C?
To do this, you must read the previous explenation,
and build upon it.
If call_back(routine_id("pixel")) returns an adress,
simply poke() new machine code of your own to that
address, and voila! Euphoria now uses your own code!
How to get the machine code if you don't know ASM of
Machine code?
Simply get a C compiler, write the replacement routine
in C, compile it, and then get the machine code of
that routine and paste it into your euphoria program,
to be poked into memory!
You can even do it easier.
Write a DLL wich contains the replacement routines you
want to use.
Get the address of those routines, peek() all the
machine code, and then poke() them back into memory at
the offsets of Euphoria routines.

Remember, MTS is a certified Hacker/Cracker, so if you
don't know what you're doing, don't.

- You can pass a sequence by address, even to C/C++  
programs as C arrays?
How do you do this?
Poke each member of a sequence into memory, whetever
type it may have, as an integer wich represents the
adress of that member.

sequence s
s = {"Hello!",10,3.14}

atom seq, foo
seq = allocate(length(s)*4)
for i = 1 to length(seq) do
    if sequence(seq[i]) then
    elsif atom(seq[i]) then
    elsif integer(seq[i]) then
    end if
end for

Now 'seq' is a pointer to a sequence!!!

>From a C program, you do this to receive a sequence
from a Euphoria program;

void *seq;
seq = get_a_sequence_from_euphoria();

/* Now to access/update the sequence; */

Well, maybe I'm explaining this sloppy, but you should
be able to get the prinicples.
The C code wasn't tested, for example, but any C coder
now knows how to
use/create/pass/store/refference/exchange Euphoria

Robert should build-in this technique in Euphoria
though.. like a peek/poke_sequence() or something...
No reason for C code not being able to use Eu, and Eu
not being able to use C code wich uses Sequences....

Mike The Spike

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