RE: code pages I think
- Posted by John McAdam <johnmcadam at> May 19, 2001
Hi guys an' gals, I had no idea when I posted my original problem what I was getting us into! I first tried setting the font to terminal as was suggested by ? somebody. That worked fine on the screen, but came out screwed up on the printer. Maybe the screen was in dos but the printer was in windows? So I made an ansi code page with the Excel char(x) function (I think thats it - my excel is in portuguese) and recoded my text manipulation routines. They are crap in the dos screen but perfect in notepad or winword, and come out correct on the printer. I never saw any cyrilic characters on anybody's emails, just odd groups of letters with accents. Does this mean that my clients will be unable to use my program if they don't have the correct? settings? That their text files filtered through my program will turn into mush? Thats awful. JOHN begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT M>)\^(@T$`0:0" `$```````!``$``0>0!@`(````Y 0```````#H``$(@ <` M& ```$E032Y-:6-R;W-O9G0 at 36%I;"Y.;W1E`#$(`0V ! `"`````@`"``$$ MD 8`G $```$````1`````P``, (````+``\.``````(!_P\!````0P`````` M``"!*Q^DOJ,0&9UN`-T!#U0"`````$559F]R=6U =&]P:6-A+F-O;0!33510 M`$559F]R=6U =&]P:6-A+F-O;0``'@`", $````%````4TU44 `````>``,P M`0```!,```!%569O<G5M0'1O<&EC82YC;VT```,`%0P!`````P#^#P8````> M``$P`0```!4````G155F;W)U;4!T;W!I8V$N8V]M)P`````"`0LP`0```!@` M``!33510.D551D]254U 5$]024-!+D-/30`#```Y``````L`0#H!`````P!Q M.@`````>`/9?`0```!,```!%569O<G5M0'1O<&EC82YC;VT```(!]U\!```` M0P````````"!*Q^DOJ,0&9UN`-T!#U0"`````$559F]R=6U =&]P:6-A+F-O M;0!33510`$559F]R=6U =&]P:6-A+F-O;0```P#]7P$````#`/]?``````(! M]@\!````! ````````+ 4 at $$@ $`%P```%)%.B!C;V1E('!A9V5S($D@=&AI M;FL`8P<!!8 #``X```#1!P4`$P`%``4`!P`&``<!`2" `P`.````T0<%`!,` M! `T`",`!@!1`0$)@ $`(0```$,W-34R0C)",3%%,$,P,3%",#0Y-D4R.48W M0D9#-T5!`$('`0.0!@`X!@``(0````L``@`!````"P`C```````#`"8````` M``L`*0```````P`N```````#`#8``````$ `.0` at (/CC&.# `1X`< `!```` M%P```%)%.B!C;V1E('!A9V5S($D@=&AI;FL```(!<0`!````%@````' X!CC M#<J9YR),#!'5AEK5.PYIVB\``!X`'@P!````!0```%--5% `````'@`?# $` M```3````:F]H;FUC861A;4!C;&EX+G!T```#``80V#^,CP,`!Q"F`@``'@`( M$ $```!E````2$E'55E304Y'04Q3+$E(041.3TE$14%72$5.25!/4U1%1$U9 M3U))1TE.04Q04D]"3$5-5TA!5$E705-'151424Y'55-)3E1/249)4E-45%)) M1413151424Y'5$A%1D].5%1/5 `````"`0D0`0```" #```<`P``1 0``$Q: M1G5JKP5(/P`*`0,!]P*D`^,"`&-HP0K <V5T," '$P* )GT*@ C((#L);S(U MEC4"@ J!=@B0=VL+@+1D- Q@8P!0"P-C`$&!"V!N9S$P-#8+I0`T($AI(&=U M>9L$( !P)Q6 !T!S+ JB(PJ!`9$@22 /<&0@$&YO(&D!`&$@=X9H"? 7$7!O M<W0)@) @;7D@!;!I9PN 3P= && #8 )@96T7\6&E!4!)%G1W800@9P^P8G0+ M@&<@=00@"X!T9&\A%GMF:0^0!4!T[PB!%V /H1M3=! at 0'. "(><=0!>0&*!R M;1E3&O$:XKAS=6<;(!B2%G1B&/ 6/QV@`W!E!N!D>2[4(%0:,G<%L&L8L1SP M/FX>4 (@'B,$\0GA+"#D8G4%0&-A!X 9`"/@RQ9T(U)W&+%U<"+6&:"'&]$$ MD"&P36%Y8AY0YR,8'Z,+@"!D&( CPA9TCR79)Z8#\!- ;W=S(1#^4Q>0%R ` MP $`%=$5T0"0]R0`!'$88&$;("H1'C HF#!%>&-E`R /8BAX8BD<X'5N8QM0 M(N$H]Q<@'C +@&L>(1I &[$%0/HM&E+6,$`"?B&' `(/<@``I0#Z I%G0` M<!=@"7!W*](8PQB@> 5 `X$%('5?"V N<P-@(^ BH7,ALF7O&/ *P!Y0!0!A M)8 +@2BGUR@B)T4CTG $D&8%D 5 _R?Q%X 8H JP%V %L2HA(B'^9".P,@(% MH"0Z!:$R005 ER6M%GLBL'8I@7-A!^ 3`' 8\&-Y!1!L:6-_+:,`T![Q!" B MX3TQ(7(G;P0 at &? +<!9':AN@.K%DEQ=@"< (8' ^@68@&>#O`D ^8BQR%=!C M+7 ",#2!_$1O!Y$N\00 at !X #D2]2WQC1.?4]L$)R*A%L`R FT?\N0 &@&> > MLAN@'E 8X1FA_PG )" 7H$%0'C$8\"@@%?#_!4 /<#RP'B(Y^R$1&S0J@?\A MTQXQ'0`RY!SP&> $($L1[Q[Q&+$>,#019T(@1G@:A;]%(C$@!*$;TAC0&Z!H M2?05%<%W+C!L.[5*3T@N3A9U%H,080!1, ,`$! ``````P`1$ `````#`( 0 M_____T `!S!@?]DC%^# `4 `"#!@?]DC%^# `0,``( (( 8``````, ````` M``!&`````!"%````````"P`#@ @@!@``````P ```````$8``````X4````` M```#``2 "" &``````# ````````1@````!2A0``\ X``!X`!8 (( 8````` M`, ```````!&`````%2%```!````! ```#@N, `#``: "" &``````# ```` M````1@`````!A0````````L`!X (( 8``````, ```````!&``````Z%```` M`````P`(@ @@!@``````P ```````$8`````$84````````#``F "" &```` M``# ````````1@`````8A0```````!X`"H (( 8``````, ```````!&```` M`#:%```!`````0`````````>``N "" &``````# ````````1@`````WA0`` M`0````$`````````'@`,@ @@!@``````P ```````$8`````.(4```$````! E`````````!X`/0`!````!0```%)%.B ``````P`--/TW```';X4` ` end