RE: The fate of Euphoria
- Posted by "David Jarvis" <davidj at> Nov 06, 2004
Dear EU Forum members I do not know what future Eu has. **From one viewpoint** My only interest in Eu's fate is whether the investment in time I have taken to learn and use it, and the fee I paid for the Private Ed of the interpreter v 2.4 will be "lost" if it "dies" tomorrow. If Eu died tomorrow - it would owe me nothing. And I would probably continue to use if for a number of years. I suspect many others also find Eu *currently* a very useful tool which is very good value (in terms of fee, ease of use, power). So I suspect it will keep going for a while yet. **Could it be better?** For whom? Making it better for you may mean it is no longer as useful to me (eg harder for me to learn because of the extra feature you wanted). So if RDS judges what is "better" correctly, they will make more money (and/or have more users), if not they will have less users (and presumably make less money). If they are too slow in making Eu "better", they will loose users to other "better" languages. In contrast to what a number of members seem to be implying, RDS probably have quite a lot at stake in making Eu "better". **From another viewpoint** The above viewpoint is rather "dry" - there is no passion in it. Many of the posts I have read seem to be from people who work in or understand the software industry and who *care* about Eu and it's future. They seem to be from people who can see that Eu has a great future and may miss out on it because of lack of certain features, or lack of pace in its evolution. I'm not sure why they *care* about Eu - perhaps they have put in much more to the development of Eu than I have - eg via contributed code into the archive. However, I suspect RDS may do well listening to these people. David