code pages I think
- Posted by John McAdam <johnmcadam at> May 10, 2001
Hello fellow euphorians I thought I would just jot off a simple little program to interchange capitals with small letters, vice versa and etc. - simple text manipulation stuff (I thought). I am using text files created in notepad, written in Portuguese. I made a table in my euphoria program of the varios accented vowels and their small/capital counterparts. you know, like if s[k] = 'a' <with an accent> then s[k] = 'A' <with an accent> end if Well, that just made a mess. Apparently what Notepad thinks is different from what msdos thinks. I looked up the portuguese codepage in my msdos manual but that wasn't the problem. Must be that Notepad uses some other codepage? I tried running the text files through Word and saving as msdos text instead of just text and that was better, but some letters are still off. And that leaves me with the problem of how does my text routine know whether a text file was saved as msdos text or just text? Notepad seems to read either and display them correctly. I could make two tables I guess, but how to know which to use? A rather confused JOHN