Re: EuSQLite
- Posted by ChrisBurch2 <crylex at> Jun 09, 2007
Hi Jeurgen, thanks for the input, I am really grateful for any input to eusqlite. A little Background. Eusqlite3 as it is now, is derived from eusqlite2 from Ray Smiths library, updated to take account of the different return types. Eusqlite2 came with wrapper.ew, derived from win32lib, originally by Dave Cuny. As such, it worked, and I have made no changes to it. I am a lazy programmer too. Other libraries also use wrapper.ew, eg euallegro, and any changes shouldn't break these. I have added one or two other functions to it, or have used more updated versions as they came out (honestly can't remember which). I've looked at the functions, and agree with Ray, that reducing any platform() dependencies to a minimum is desirable. I've tested the functions for speed, and as yet have found no human noticeable difference between the original, and peek_sequence2 (which intuitively should be slightly faster). Of course, this view is subjective, not objective. I also didn't get any errors as Jesus did. Remember, most of the functions are carried out in the external dll or shared library, and peek_sequence is called to read every row of the dataset returned after sqlite has done its job, so unless you are expecting a _very_ large dataset, then in most real world usages there will be little noticeable differences. It will certainly be faster than a human being able to read a web page. The actual size of the database has no bearing on the speed of this function. I would also be a little careful about using the machine coded length function (as impressed as I am at the speed with which this was thrown together) for this reason - if euphoria is to be cross platform, will this still work on ARM and other processors, will it still work on 64 bit processors, etc. Note, I haven't tested this - yet! Finally eusqlite3 on sourceforge? It's an idea - I'll look into it. But anyone is more than welcom to add functions to the library, and forward them to me for inclusion. Full credits are given naturally Chris