NGL - A bridge between a graphics device and the programmer

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Here's the readme of something I'm working on.
It's not complete finished, but most difficult parts are done.
What still needs to be done is: the color adapters, the synchonization
routines, the text-simulation routines, the virtual screen routines. Of the
video mode device only the simulation of the extended commands has to be
The command list manager is ready!

Most of the words are prolly confusing now, just read this inserted file..
(It looks the best with a fixed-width font, it was typed in EE)

    New GraphiX Library

      An platform independent graphical toolkit with customizable screen
      devices,  color adapters,  text mode  simulation,  synchronization
      drivers  and  virtual  screen  extensions  will  run  with optimal
      performance through  the  command  list technique  whereby  speedy
      platform and video mode independent routines will become available
      to all Euphoric game and application programmers.

                                        -- Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen, May 1998


      The programmer shall now get the tools that fits his usage, instead
      of the tools that seem most  basic, but are *so*  system dependent.
      A virtual screen which you can resize, move, and keeps its contents
      could be  considered a window.  And thankfully, they ussually  have
      a much  nicer  interface  towards  the  programmer.  An image  with
      invisible colors,  combined  into  different  sets,  and resized in
      real  time  could  be  called  a sprite,   but  also  a  font, or a
      mousepointer.  Not  often  do you  want  to control  such  a thing,
      in  the same  constraining  way as most  libraries  make you do.  A
      programmer should be able  to work with a  palette as well  as with
      real RGB values.  No longer will  he notice the  difference between
      Hi-Color video modes and, for example, the MCGA. No longer, will he
      have to wonder if outputting text using  the normal output routines
      is possible.  No longer should he worry about the disability to use
      images of text used with graphical modes. No longer will he have to
      wonder if he can read text or not from  the screen.  No longer will
      he have to worry  about  flickering and  the right  synchronization
      method. Nope, no longer will he or you have to do any of that..

    The Concept

      We all  agree, a device  independent library  is nice,  but we also
      have a few priorities, where speed is ussually on top of that list.
      Most graphics libraries have routines written  around the hardware,
      the routines serve the hardware,  not the programmer. The result is
      that your program needs  to do all  the basic tricks itself,  using
      video device specific routines.  This library is  mainly the bridge
      between  the programmer and  the core graphics routines.  It offers
      a set of powerfull graphical tools, using device specific routines,
      yet maintaining the maximum performance.  All available devices can
      be "plugged" in,  but need to  tell NGL  *how* to use  the specific
      core routines.  Actually,  when NGL  gets  configured for a certain
      device,  it will  *compile* its own commands, which can be executed
      with only a small,  constant  amount of overhead or none using  asm
      no matter  which device  you use.  This document was only  ment  to
      introduce you to NGL,  now you can  continue  reading  with  either
      << routines.txt >>  or  with  << devices.txt >>   The  first   file
      reviews all the routines and methods that NGL offers the programmer
      However, the other file,  about devices,  contains information  for
      those who wish to write and extend  NGL with another  video device.
      Because you  don't  want to  re-invent the  wheel  all  over again,
      different  type of devices  are used.  These type  of  devices  are

            |>  Video Mode Devices provide the core routines to a certain
                video configuration.

            |>  Color Adapter Devices  provide the core routines  to get,
                set, rotate and adjust  the palette colors and  their RGB
                values. I hope somebody will provide us with a device for
                for  true-color.  Off  course,  NGL  would  automatically
                support this and  those programs  who already try to have
                too many colors,  will then look  a lot better.  NGL will
                try to compromize  as less as needed  when a program uses
                too many colors.

            |>  Synchronization routines, to eliminate the flickering that
                occurs when we draw something during the vertical retrace.
                Its only  a  different  device,  so  we  can turn  it off,
                upgrade or to provide a win32 device in the future.

            |>  Text Mode Simulation will make sure the standard output to
                the screen keeps working  the way we want it to.   I don't
                think anybody will  add other devices  of this type,  I've
                already provided enough, I think. But for Win32 no device
                is currently available. Maybe some one could write one ?

            |>  Virtual Screen Driver will   create,  copy,  clone,  clear
                and display sprites on, from now on, called "windows". All
                virtual screen devices  will work with  all video devices,
                because  the internal communication  will  go through NGL.
                The  virtual  screen  device  is  completely  unaware  and
                shouldn't care what video mode it is in. It should *never*
                assume a certain video mode, NGL will instructs the device
                which methods are available and which are the fastest.

    Contacting the author

      If you have any question, comment or remark, direct your fanmail and
      mailbombs to:

                ==[ Email: nieuwen at ]==

      You can also contact this 16-year old Euphorian at:

                ==[ Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen      ]==
                ==[ Schoener 22              ]==
                ==[ 2401 MT Alhpen A/D Rijn  ]==
                ==[ The Netherlands          ]==

      Or if you have I-Seek-You (icq), you could message me:

                ==[ I seek YOU (icq) 9389920 ]==


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