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Euler wrote:

> BTW, a time ago I found a very good (& free) text editor, ConTEXT,
> that has support for EU files (syntax coloring, templates,
> completions, projects, etc.). It can be found on <
> context/>. I think you'll like it!

I agree, ConTEXT is a very nice editor. I love the price.

The original syntax coloring file for euphoria by Mark Bloedel has
several mistakes in it. Nothing really fatal, but I am attaching my
modification to this note. Also attached is my little template file.

Btw, so far I have not managed to 'Capture console output' when
running an application from within the editor. I have tried several
combinations of 'Parameters' under the Environment Options/Execute
Keys menu, but nothing seems to work and the editor locks up. It's ok,
if I leave the 'Capture console output' box unchecked, but it's
annoying enough ;). If anybody knows the correct parameter
please let me know.


Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: attachment;

//      Euphoria 2.2 Highlighter (original written by Mark Bloedel)
//      jiri babor
//      01-08-24
//      jbabor at

Language:               Euphoria 2.2
Filter:                 Euphoria files =
HelpFile:               C:\euphoria\Refman.chm
CaseSensitive:          1
LineComment:            --
IdentifierBegChars:     a..z A..Z ?
IdentifierChars:        a..z A..Z _ 0..9
NumConstBegChars:       #. 0..9
NumConstChars:          #eABCDEF. 0..9
EscapeChar:             \

//   Euphoria Reserved Words
KeyWords1:    if end then procedure else for return do elsif while type =
              to and or exit function global by not include with without =

//   Euphoria Builtins
KeyWords2:    length puts integer sequence position object append =
prepend print
              printf ? clear_screen floor getc gets get_key rand repeat =
              compare find match time command_line open close trace =
getenv sqrt
              sin cos tan log system date remainder power machine_func =
              abort peek poke call sprintf arctan and_bits or_bits =
xor_bits                                                                 =
           not_bits pixel get_pixel mem_copy mem_set c_proc c_func
              routine_id call_proc call_func poke4 peek4s peek4u profile =
              system_exec platform

//   Euphoria Standard Library
KeyWords3:   all_palette allocate allocate_low allocate_string =
allow_break arccos
             arcsin atom_to_float32 atom_to_float64 bits_to_int bk_color =
             call_back chdir check_break crash_file crash_message =
             cursor custom_sort define_c_func define_c_proc define_c_var =
             display_image display_text_image dos_interrupt draw_line =
             float32_to_atom float64_to_atom flush free free_console =
free_low get
             get_active_page get_all_palette get_bytes get_display_page =
             get_position get_screen_char get_vector graphics_mode =
instance int_to_bits
             int_to_bytes lock_file lock_memory lower message_box =
             mouse_pointer open_dll palette PI polygon prompt_number =
             put_screen_char read_bitmap register_block reverse =
save_bitmap save_image
             save_screen save_text_image scroll seek set_active_page =
             set_rand set_vector sleep sort sound sprint text_color =
text_rows tick_rate
             unlock_file unregister_block upper use_vesa value =
video_config wait_key
             walk_dir where wildcard_file wildcard_match wrap

StringBegChar:          "
StringEndChar:          "
CurrLineHighlighted:    1

SpaceCol:               clWindowText clWindow
Keyword1Col:            clGreen clWindow B
Keyword2Col:            clBlue clWindow B
Keyword3Col:            clBlue clWindow
IdentifierCol:          clWindowText clWindow
CommentCol:             clGray clWindow I
NumberCol:              clRed clWindow
StringCol:              clGreen clWindow I
SymbolCol:              clPurple clWindow
SelectionCol:           clWhite clNavy
CurrentLineCol:         clBlack $00C0FFC0
PreprocessorCol:        clBlue clWindow
OverrideTxtFgColor:     0

Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
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[for | for clause]
for |= to  do
end for

[function | function definition]
function |()
end function

[if | if clause]
if | then
end if

[if_elsif_else | if elsif else clause]
if | then
end if

[procedure | procedure definition]
procedure |()
end procedure

[type | type function]
type |()
end type

[while | while clause]
while | do
end while


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