1. ConTEXT
- Posted by Jiri Babor <jbabor at PARADISE.NET.NZ> Sep 01, 2001
This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0007_01C1339A.78072980 charset="iso-8859-1" Euler wrote: > BTW, a time ago I found a very good (& free) text editor, ConTEXT, > that has support for EU files (syntax coloring, templates, > completions, projects, etc.). It can be found on <www.fixedsys.com/ > context/>. I think you'll like it! I agree, ConTEXT is a very nice editor. I love the price. The original syntax coloring file for euphoria by Mark Bloedel has several mistakes in it. Nothing really fatal, but I am attaching my modification to this note. Also attached is my little template file. Btw, so far I have not managed to 'Capture console output' when running an application from within the editor. I have tried several combinations of 'Parameters' under the Environment Options/Execute Keys menu, but nothing seems to work and the editor locks up. It's ok, if I leave the 'Capture console output' box unchecked, but it's annoying enough ;). If anybody knows the correct parameter combination, please let me know. jiri ------=_NextPart_000_0007_01C1339A.78072980 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="Euphoria.chl" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Euphoria.chl" // Euphoria 2.2 Highlighter (original written by Mark Bloedel) // jiri babor // 01-08-24 // jbabor at paradise.net.nz Language: Euphoria 2.2 Filter: Euphoria files = (*.e,*.ex,*.ew,*.exw)|*.e;*.ex;*.ew;*.exw HelpFile: C:\euphoria\Refman.chm CaseSensitive: 1 LineComment: -- IdentifierBegChars: a..z A..Z ? IdentifierChars: a..z A..Z _ 0..9 NumConstBegChars: #. 0..9 NumConstChars: #eABCDEF. 0..9 EscapeChar: \ // Euphoria Reserved Words KeyWords1: if end then procedure else for return do elsif while type = constant to and or exit function global by not include with without = xor // Euphoria Builtins KeyWords2: length puts integer sequence position object append = prepend print printf ? clear_screen floor getc gets get_key rand repeat = atom compare find match time command_line open close trace = getenv sqrt sin cos tan log system date remainder power machine_func = machine_proc abort peek poke call sprintf arctan and_bits or_bits = xor_bits = = not_bits pixel get_pixel mem_copy mem_set c_proc c_func routine_id call_proc call_func poke4 peek4s peek4u profile = equal system_exec platform // Euphoria Standard Library KeyWords3: all_palette allocate allocate_low allocate_string = allow_break arccos arcsin atom_to_float32 atom_to_float64 bits_to_int bk_color = bytes_to_int call_back chdir check_break crash_file crash_message = current_dir cursor custom_sort define_c_func define_c_proc define_c_var = dir display_image display_text_image dos_interrupt draw_line = ellipse float32_to_atom float64_to_atom flush free free_console = free_low get get_active_page get_all_palette get_bytes get_display_page = get_mouse get_position get_screen_char get_vector graphics_mode = instance int_to_bits int_to_bytes lock_file lock_memory lower message_box = mouse_events mouse_pointer open_dll palette PI polygon prompt_number = prompt_string put_screen_char read_bitmap register_block reverse = save_bitmap save_image save_screen save_text_image scroll seek set_active_page = set_display_page set_rand set_vector sleep sort sound sprint text_color = text_rows tick_rate unlock_file unregister_block upper use_vesa value = video_config wait_key walk_dir where wildcard_file wildcard_match wrap StringBegChar: " StringEndChar: " CurrLineHighlighted: 1 SpaceCol: clWindowText clWindow Keyword1Col: clGreen clWindow B Keyword2Col: clBlue clWindow B Keyword3Col: clBlue clWindow IdentifierCol: clWindowText clWindow CommentCol: clGray clWindow I NumberCol: clRed clWindow StringCol: clGreen clWindow I SymbolCol: clPurple clWindow SelectionCol: clWhite clNavy CurrentLineCol: clBlack $00C0FFC0 PreprocessorCol: clBlue clWindow OverrideTxtFgColor: 0 ------=_NextPart_000_0007_01C1339A.78072980 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="Euphoria 2.2.ctpl" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Euphoria 2.2.ctpl" [for | for clause] for |= to do end for [function | function definition] function |() return end function [if | if clause] if | then end if [if_elsif_else | if elsif else clause] if | then elsif else end if [procedure | procedure definition] procedure |() end procedure [type | type function] type |() return end type [while | while clause] while | do end while ------=_NextPart_000_0007_01C1339A.78072980--
2. Re: ConTEXT
- Posted by Euler German <efgerman at myrealbox.com> Sep 02, 2001
Thanks Jiri, for your templates and highlighters. I enjoyed it very much. Now, all I need is time to start codeing in Euphoria. No more complaints. ;) I have the same problem with *CCOs* -- I'm not using it. I think we'll have to ask Eden how to manage to make it wotk... Cheers! --Euler On 2 Sep 2001, at 10:31, Jiri Babor wrote: > > The original syntax coloring file for euphoria by Mark Bloedel has > several mistakes in it. Nothing really fatal, but I am attaching my > modification to this note. Also attached is my little template file. > > Btw, so far I have not managed to 'Capture console output' when > running an application from within the editor. I have tried several > combinations of 'Parameters' under the Environment Options/Execute > Keys menu, but nothing seems to work and the editor locks up. It's ok, > if I leave the 'Capture console output' box unchecked, but it's > annoying enough ;). If anybody knows the correct parameter > combination, > please let me know. > > jiri > -- Euler GERMAN Caixa Postal 232 35701-970 Sete Lagoas, MG BRAZIL PGP Key ID: 0x9F8267FE
3. Re: ConTEXT
- Posted by Euler German <efgerman at myrealbox.com> Sep 09, 2001
On 2 Sep 2001, at 10:31, Jiri Babor wrote: > This is a multi-part message in MIME format. > > > Btw, so far I have not managed to 'Capture console output' when > running an application from within the editor. I have tried several > combinations of 'Parameters' under the Environment Options/Execute > Keys menu, but nothing seems to work and the editor locks up. It's ok, > if I leave the 'Capture console output' box unchecked, but it's > annoying enough ;). If anybody knows the correct parameter > combination, > please let me know. > > jiri > Hi Jiri, I'm not sure if it will help (I haven't read it all yet) but I found some stuff at the following address: <http://www.skylit.com/javamethods/faqs/context.html> Again, I don't know if we can use those setups for Java but it looks like well explained. If you find the way, please show us the light! I'm still crawling on fours... Sorry. Cheers! Euler :) -- Euler GERMAN Caixa Postal 232 35701-970 Sete Lagoas, MG BRAZIL PGP Key ID: 0x9F8267FE