Re: Why won't this work??!!!

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On Sat, 8 Mar 1997 20:10:51 +0000 mike burrell
<Mike.Burrell at EARTH.GAIANET.NET> writes:
>the compare() function only does operations on sequences

I haven't read the compare() function inside the include file,
but the library.doc states that compare() works on objects.

Objects are EITHER atoms or sequences.

>if compare(real[1],"1") > -1 and compare(real[1],"31") < 1 then

The above forces attempt at sequence comparison.

>then it would work...  i don't know if this is really what you want
>to do though...  guessing from your code it looks to me like you're
>trying to compare atoms, in which case you would use:

>if real[1] > 1 and real[1] < 31 then

and above this forces attempt at atom comparison.
The reason I say attempt is because a sequenc can contain
a sequence.

My guess by looking at the code is trying to find or filter in the
printer escape codes.  These codes fall between ASCII values
0 - 31. value 32 is the space character.
to do this he should use the followin if command.

if compare(real[1] , 32) = -1 then

This makes sure that it is an atom and that it is less than 32.
everything less than 32 is the printer codes.

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