Re: Archives (R.I.P.)
- Posted by RobertS 1 month ago
petelomax said...
I'm always up for any (specific) ways to improve the web site, or docs, or Phix itself. Don't be shy now.
Since you said not to be shy, a few thoughts on the Phix website ...
- The URL doesn't look very appealing and isn't that easy to remember.
- Even if technically it's irrelevant, the "Not Secure" note in the browser (http:// instead of https://) may scare people off.
- The Sponsor link shouldn't lead to a dead end for anyone who isn't on Github, it gives the impression that you only want to address the initiated.
- "Best viewed in 360p or better" (on the Tutorial page) looks like something from the last millennium.
- In the documentation, "Phix is now (since it is now around 38.5MB) distributed in five parts" looks like something from the last millennium, too.
- On the Download page, the paragraph that starts with "Lastly on Windows (only), pdemo.exw is automatically run ..." looks rather intimidating.
- The three entries in the Blog are from 2010, 2010 and 2021, giving the false impression that nothing has happened since 2021 and little in the 10 years before.
Regarding Phix itself, personally I'm really happy with it as it is (though I may feel a slight longing for a graphic IDE like the one that Judith Evans had been working on ...). I have only one humble request: when compiling a program with p -c myprog.exw, if there is an icon file myprog.ico in the same folder, would it be possible to automatically use it for the exe file?
Well, you said not to be shy ... :)