Phix: replace

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This code from the Phix Documentation

sequence s 
s = replace("John Middle Doe", "Smith", 6, 11) 
-- s is "John Smith Doe" 
s = replace({45.3, "John", 5, {10, 20}}, 25, 2, 3) 
-- s is {45.3, 25, {10, 20}} 
Produces this error (testet with Phix 1.04,1.05,1.03)

s = replace("John Middle Doe", "Smith", 6, 11) 
    ^ a namespace qualifier is required 
replace is defined in: 
s = replace("John Middle Doe", "Smith", 6, 11) 
    ^ a namespace qualifier is required 
replace is defined in: 
Press Enter, or d for diagnostics... 

This are the first lines from

1..109] = "D:\\devpool\\projects\\demo\\easy4hang\\rep.exw:2\ns = replace(\"John Middle Doe\", \"Smith\", 6, 11)\n    ^ a namespace" 
    errline[110..156] = " qualifier is required\nreplace is defined in:\n\n" 
    txtline = `s = replace("John Middle Doe", "Smith", 6, 11)` 
    fni = <novalue> 
    lt = 47'/' 
    k = 46'.' 
    fn = 3 
    sli = <novalue> 
    sfi = <novalue> 
    i = 0 
... called from C:\Phixsetup\phix\pmsgs.e:549 in procedure Abort_multi() 
    msg = "a namespace qualifier is required\nreplace is defined in:\n" 
    abort_set = {} 
    f = <novalue> 
    pathno = <novalue> 
    ff = <novalue> 
    dbg = {} 
    i = 1 
... called from C:\Phixsetup\phix\psym.e:3752 in function InTable() 

thank you in advance

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