Re: Mind blowingly impressive.
- Posted by petelomax in August
I was able to do this in dot net and C sharp twelve years ago reliably, and (less reliably) with Eclipse IDE and the right plugins for Java almost 20 years ago.
Care to elaborate? Cakez hints it is just separate <game logic> and <game data> processes, if you can restart the former without upsetting the latter, that's hot reloading.
Of course there are limitations: you cannot change the data being stored, or the interface between the two processes, and debugging falls apart if any steps needed to get
back to where you were change in any way that cannot be flawlessly mapped to updated line numbers, etc. (Assuming the debugger would be a third process that effectively
just replays all the [tweaked] keystrokes/mouseclicks of the current debugging session.)
I wonder if they'll ever open source their kit and let other folks start working on their tech stack too.
Doubt it, sadly.