Re: Phix 1.0.5 uploaded

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Oh dear, trouble't mill.

I've been suffering a few BSOD of the DPC WATCHDOG VIOLATON variety, which I'd put down to trying to install Docker,
but uninstalling that didn't help so I cannot rule out having picked up something nasty here. One thing I did do is to
intall some Windows 10 update preview, maybe that's why (touch wood) Windows Defender isn't yet giving me any jip.
Much like you, all I can really do is hope enough BSOD info is getting to Microsoft and they roll out a magic fix, soon.

However, there's also trouble at VirusTotal itself:
I uploaded my pw.exe and just like you said, not happy (and apparently 21/95 didn't run).
I re-scanned one of Saturday's submissions and that jumped from 1/95 to 2/95 here.
So I uploaded my pw.exe in a zip file, and that locked on 4/67 (so 28/95 didn't run)...
So I re-uploaded my local copy of Saturday's submision, same SHA-256 so it cannot be "more infected", and that locked on 6/66... (""29/95) here
Without any doubt, there must have been at least two binary identical pw.exe's in that mix. So there's clearly something amiss their end.

I'll keep my eyes peeled.

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