Re: Another idea - MD generator

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axtens_bruce said...
ghaberek said...

CommonMark with (optional?) support for GitHub Flavored Markdown.

Probably worth porting this C language version of Common Mark with GFM extensions then.


Now that's a daunting challenge. Here's what I'd do:

Get 32/64 dll/so of libcmark built, and write a trivial wrapper for that, at least

string html = cmark_markdown_to_html(string src, integer options) 

but possibly also some AST with text fragments dump, for development and testing purposes.

Grab a copy of mdtest, organise that into /mustwork, /maybelater, and perhaps /letsnotbotherwiththese, and add any eu[forum]-specifics.

Set to work on a brand new libcmark.e (largely ignoring the C sources) and a trivial test runner.

I'll happily get involved, and would certainly like to see a <phixcode></phixcode> that I can keep up to date.

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