Re: Hypatia 3.0
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) Feb 09, 2024
I wasn't in any position to compete with anyone,
Fair point.
but i knew such a thing was possible, i had read nothing on feasability.
Good point. The Iridum Satellite Phone showed that practical feasibility of such things were still difficult even late into the '90s, sadly.
Mobile radio transmission was frequently handed off between fixed land stations routinely with aircraft and ships,
Sounds more like a bigger beefier version of walkie talkies. This differs fromm what Martin Cooper did in 1973 (being able to successfully dial a number on a prototype mobile phone and have a conversation with someone on a landline).
I cannot imagine TWA (for example) buying aircraft and talking to airport towers on "beefy walkie talkies".
But i wasn't concerned with "one of the trancievers in the communication being mobile*,
Perhaps I phrased it wrong. The point I was trying to convey was the ability to dial a number from a mobile or radio device and reach someone out of range of the signal.
I'll bet Martin Cooper was not the first, considering "ham" radio.
Again, ham radio isn't relayed the way phone calls are.
i was timing distances passing by a land radio on the interstate, spacing of towers needed,
I'm glad you brought up ham radio. This sort of stuff wasn't new in general since it needed to be considered for ham radio and other mobile radio transmissions - though I suppose a cell phone moving on an interstate would have brought forth some novel differences of degree.
the ERP needed, etc..
What's ERP?
Were you .. in 1975?
Only if I could go and pull a Mary Sutton.
Well, i did ask you.
Alas, I have nothing to add to the above on that point.
Re Mary Sutton, i'm waiting on the movie.
Well, a made-for-TV one did come out nearly a quarter of a century ago.
How about more recent, did ... develop and use and demo to others, a prepared capsaicin spray that did not act like Mace, and did eliminate pain on human skin that barely tolerated touch,
Well, a topical cream rather than a spray. And I suppose I shouldn't take any credit, as it's more of a generational family recipe. Of course, these sort of things have been known since at least the 1950s, and perhaps even earlier,[K]ciceptive%20sensory%20nerves%20by%20the
tell a pharmacist, who quickly retired and went to work for a new biotech firm, which then , you prolly know the end of that story?
I mean, it's telling that one can attempt to search for a biotech firm that got rich by selling pain-relief capsaicin sprays and not find anything.
Much like strtok.e and irc.e, i got squat.
Well, at least I understand why strtoke.e and irc.e got squat. I mean who offers money and things to computer files? They only exist in the physical realm in the most meager and abstract way, let alone have the capacity to feel and desire things.
i got squat.
At best, it is starting to sound like you might have had some good ideas that you developed independently of other inventors and researchers - in a time when information flowed more slowly - and could have reasonably believed that you thought of it originally, only to face bitter disappointment when it turned out that someone else got there first. Multiple times.
At least, if nothing else, you can now rub it in your 1975 detractors' faces that "i was right, you were wrong, i told you so" and such.
I was also being laughed at.
Reminds me of
But, to paraphrase a famous quote to be gender neutral, those who have the last laugh, laugh best.